Friday, June 4, 2010


I like having a blog very much. A blog is like online megapixel that can store writing that you wrote on the computer to share with your friends , family , boyfriend, girlfriend , teacher , and animals. Blogs are quite convenient because they can save paper and healthy and young trees, for those that cannot afford paper. The environment can survive a bit longer if every teacher used blogs to turn in assignments. This tool has somewhat affected my life outside of school when i am extremely bored. I would sit down and think to myself," hmm this is an interesting subject, maybe i should blog my opinions about it!" Well , this is still somewhat school related but i am not doing this thinking in school. Immediately after i think of a topic i write about, i would think to myself about the subtopics, when i should write the next paragraph, the beginning middle end, and so on.

Blogging has changed my way about writing quite a lot over time. In our former English classes, we would loath having to write for long periods of time until our fingers hurt. For some people, calluses would even form on their fingers depending on their style on holding the pencil. Fortunately with blogging we don't have to use a pencil to write at all. We youngsters of this generation are used to using the computer and typing for long periods of time, so blogging seems easy like pie. The way i think about writing has changed because English class this year was quite leisurely. Everyone had one whole week to complete one assignment at first, then it because two or sometimes three. I no longer thought of English as a lame thing, but as a fun assignment because it was different. Even as i am typing this, i am thinking that YES, one final almost done and five more to go.

After my sophomore school year, it is likely that i will publish more posts on my blog. Every now and i then i will log on my blogger or google docs account and see how i used to write like. It is likely that i will write shorter writing than during the school year because there will be no minimum about when i do it on my free time. Since Mr.Sutherland will still be able to read it, i should make it friendly. Thinking about the future, i could have a bunch of friends come together and write about the subject one day, like how we started writing about deuces and mahjong. With my blog i would probably write down thinks that i do not want to forget, especially days that could be the best in my life. Writing down these little notes in my blog can be more useful than on paper because it will always be there unless blogger dies. I wonder if the rest of my classmates would keep blogging even thought it is not mandatory, and would youuu comment on the blog posts?

The second question i chose to write about is to pick one of my blog post and to analyze it. The post that i would like to analyze is the post called hong kong part 15. here is a link: . This post can be called my favorite because it sums up my trip of hong kong during summer of '09 but it can also be a least favorite. When i decided that , that this post would be the last of the hong kong saga, i thought about if i could write a tiny bit more. I am sure that i could write more about the wonderful place, including the first and second time i went there but that would be dragging the saga a bit too long. ( Like i said on the first question, i could write about the first and second time after the school year xD) The 15 parts of this trip slowly add up experience i had in hongkong.

This will be the last episode in my 15 blogs of going to this far far far away place. It was the day to go back to United States. Looking at my luggage, i saw my new orange transformers giordano tshirt, while my brother wore his blue batman tshirt. When we left we said farewell to everyone .. . including Love, Jessica , uncle , aunt, grandma's sister. My little two cousins kept hugging my leg and really did not want us to leave. They had no body to play with and probably wanted us to stay forever in their room full of toys.

The taxi guy picked us up and we left the place that we lived at for 15. I miss that place and would want to visit again and again. When we arrived at the airport, it turned out that my neighbor and us had the same flight back. So after we ate popeyes, my brother and i went to the terminal first, my mother went somewhere. The maze to get to the terminal was long, even needing to go on a train. When we saw them we were excited and visited, sharing our new gadgets. My mom got right on time when the people announced boarding.

On the plane, the trip seemed shorter than before, maybe because i am getting used to the 13 hrs. In front in my seat there was an Indian woman that kept dropping her pillow and i helped give it back to her. It turns out that she was having a 105 degree fever. The first thing that i thought was that YIKES will i get swine flu? i thought the pillow. But it turns out that i was safe from this flu when i got home. The rest of the trip was quite positive, i even got instant ramen to eat !

Time to analyze this post! The first thing i surprise i myself with is the detail that remember what happened, down to the color of the shirt i was wearing. Even though Mr. Sutherland has commented on this skill before, i finally notice it now my ability to memorize stuff i dont need to. Although this is similar to question 1 about improving writing, i believe that i could had added a lot more detail to this piece of writing. I should had exaggerated my sadness for leaving this place instead of simply saying that Donovan and Melissa was holding on to us. That simply meant that they will miss us but that did not really say that we did. I should had wrote about the aspects of life that i would miss that i cannot experience here in the States. Saying that i would miss it isnt enough in my opinion. The word nobody should be linked together not far apart. Rereading this summary of the trip, i think that adding detail would have been done if the 500 word minimum was implied earlier. I think that i have a lot that i dont like about my writing, especially imagery. When i said the trip to our terminal was long i should had added that we had to go up and down escalators, walk passages, and more. When Mr. Sutherland told us that we should revise our papers after we write them for grammatical issues if i had time, i should had listened. I can tell that sometimes you might not know what i am talking about on that blog post because i was thinking about writing a word but forgot to, for example " we lived at ___ for 15 ___" forgetting to right lived at happy view terrace for 15 days.

Well to sum up this school year, it was fun year, better than my English class last year. Hopefully i get this class again next year so that my junior year will be more laid back. Hmm, one thing the class might needa work on is words, like to help us on the SAT. we cant fail that !!! well thx for the school year !