Saturday, July 3, 2010

summer part 1 lol

so how is summer for every body?

i said that i would blog once in a while after the school year and here i am. Summer for the typical asian is either more summer courses or a trip to china/ hong kong. Well this year i do not get a trip to any where and i am too lazy to do summer courses. I decided to just relax the whole summer. So far i have played tennis, gone to Quicklys almost everyday, helped organize a birthday party kinda ish, played a load of mahjong, sang K and others. New experience can make a person more open to different ideas i guess, so new stuff is healthy. lol, like in tennis today, i found out that using a 90 sq in racket makes the racket feel more controllable than a 100 sq in one.

My view for summer now is to make yourself in a calm state so that you are prepared for what is ahead not take silly summer courses that add on more stress. I do not get why ppl take summer courses if they waited forever for summer. Meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends can be quite fun and unexpected. Sometimes i even think to myself, whoaa why does it feel so much like jan-march of 8th grade year with all these chatrooms and fishy talk. xD I guess each person makes the summer a bit better because they contributed to the one and only summer of 2010.

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