Saturday, August 18, 2012

hong kong day 1 and 2

oh hey haha remember i had a bunch of blogs sophomore year about hong kong? well its my fourth time going to hong kong now but this time it is with my father and not mother xD ah my writing will be a bit choppy because i havent been to school for 3 months now @.@ Day 1 The trip from San Francisco to Hong Kong was a long 12 hours. I remember these 12 hours used to be a lot longer when i younger, perhaps my perception of time has changed. We left America at 1:10am Thursday Aug16 and arrived 5am Friday Aug17 so by the time we arrived, a new day has started. i learned that on longer flights i should sit near the aisle because i took like 6 bathroom breaks. =o There was 1 hour until the shuttles started for the destination that we were headed to when we arrived. When i was waiting for my luggage i tried to observe the people around me. i saw a phalanx soldiers that were carrying machine guns around. I was tempted to take a picture but i was too scared of their reaction. After we went through immigration and got our luggage, i went to 711 and bought some tea to get change. We took the A11 shuttle to Fortress Hill, enjoying the scenic view of smog and trees on the way. Since my dad wanted to save some cash, we stayed at this place called yesinn, a sorta cheaper hotel hidden in the middle of a street. After we left our luggage here, we went to the Coral cafe to eat breakfast. It is still a bit bewildering how cheap the food can be here, it was 24 hkd for a meal, about 3.5usd. Sometimes i wish i lived here because then i can eat all day and sweat all day from the humidity and never get fat. haha. After food, we ventured our way toward causeway bay to look for sogo, a big shopping mall. Along the way the restaurants sure had interesting names, one was 阿妹好串. Next to one of my favorite clothing shops in Hong Kong, Giordano, had another weird sight of military personnel, my dad,brother, and i saw one holding a rifle like a sword. aiyahh. One thing i noticed is that when crossing the road, the people do not have priority. I rarely see stop signs but i see signs on the ground that tell the people to be cautious of vehicles on the right or left. For the afternoon meal, we went to McDonalds. McDonalds has some minor differences than the one in the states, for example there is chicken drumsticks. After exploring causeway bay, tin hau, and fortress hill, i was so tired. By the time i got back to the room, i ate a few bites of food and fell asleep for the next 12 hrs. Day 2 There isnt really that much to do in Hong Kong after you have been here for 3 times already. On the second day, we explored the other side of town. First, we had congee at a place called Hoi Wong, i think. I miss the fried donuts wrapped in noodles. droool... We took a ride from the shuttle 102 to get across the pond to Kowloon. On the way, i noticed some things. In the tunnel the roads had double white lines, meaning that cars had to stay in their lanes. Before the tunnel there was a lot of advertising. Once in Kowloon, we searched the famous Nathan Road which would lead us to all the destinations we wanted. Before we found Nathan Rd, we went to this one shopping mall with a M&Ms theme. We found this one restaurant that my brother and i had fond memories about, Toi. It was were we ate rice pizza, unfortunately the brance in Causeway Bay closed down. One thing that I dont exactly like traveling with my dad is that he can more frugal than my mother sometimes. He carried all the cash so i couldnt really buy anything too expensive. I bought some penguin tshirt that was designed by leo ku at giordano. We walked from tsim tsa sui to jordan to yau ma dei to mong kok all along Nathan Rd. Along the way, we got some fish balls (better than frozen ones but idk what the best fish balls really tastes like) and milk tea at Gong Cha. We walked the through the forest of Women St, about 4 blocks full of chinese men and women trying to sell fake goods. I saw a bunch of beats headphones that looked too good to be true. In Women St, you can bargain, something i am afraid to do. My brother got a plushie for his ex and my dad asked why i didnt get some tshirts haha idk i dont like fake shirts? but what is a fake shirt o.o . We took the 112 bus back to fortress hill and ate beef with rice at this restaurant endorsed by the famous ABC, MC Jin. haha woot havent written a while, imma try making tmrws more structured.

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