Friday, October 21, 2011

[RE] Going for the look

This week, for our weekly response post, we were supposed to respond to a montly essay. I decided to talk about Katherine’s essay since it was one of the intros shown in class.

In the society we all live in today, where outside beauty is emphasized more than inner beauty, businesses have realized how to utilize that view to their own benefit

It is quite true that his is happening in our society in many ways. Outer beauty is something people pay good money for until they reach the perfect image they want. It will keep sucking more money to keep his outer image too. You never about commercials selling you inner beauty like the ability to donate or to recycle. It is because those stores do not earn enough to pay for commercials and it is not a priority in America.
Business thrive by showing you what these perfect images can look like with their clothes on at their stores. It is static to help them money and it works quite well. Mannequins and workers wear new hip clothes. Is this the business owners fault or the consumer’s fault that they make so much money? It could be part both both but mainly the culture of the United States.

The differences in the prices of the clothes sold in for example, Walmart, and those of Nordstrom or Neiman Marcus is due to image.

I kinda agree and kinda dont agree with this statement. Prices of products and/or clothes depend on the amount of demand and supply that object has. That amount is from the attractiveness of the object or the way it is presented. In the example of Walmart and Nordstorm, walmart has high supply and demand so things can be cheaper. There are less supply at Nordstorm but high demand so prices are high. For example, an cupcake can be awful on the inside but very cute outside, people will want to buy it. Everything depends on presentation nowadays. They can be presented through product or the price of the product. If something is really really cheap, it would make you want to buy it more.

haha sorry i feel very tired, ill do better next time.

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