Friday, October 7, 2011

[Free] TiMe

In physics, time is defined as the fourth dimension but we as humans cannot really understand it. To understand time would be like a drawing or something 2D trying to comprehend what is 3D. Then why do we try to understand something that is nearly impossible for us to understand. There are technological advances with the goal of time travel. Going to the past or future, what will that do to the space time continuum?

One thing is learned about time is that it is not constant. This might not be true in a physics point of view but for our way of time, it does change. In your childhood, time seems to go by slowly. As children, we would ask for example: Are we there yet?, Why are you on the phone so long daddy/mommy, or Why is dinner taking so long to make. But as we age, this resource called time seems to speed up. Years spent in high school seems like a blink of an eye. It might be because we are much more occupied.

So if I were able to live in the 4th dimension, I would try to buy some time, like how we buy 3D things. I am not sure how this would work because we would be time itself. It would be pretty funny though, it would be like buying 1 hr extra to do something for $100. When I forgot to do my homework, i would open this bag of time and then that 1 hr everything else freezes. If only we could do that ….
haha i start talking about random stuff when i am tired.

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