Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Statement of Purpose

Out of many blogs, I will be writing about past events, hobbies, and goals that I hope to achieve. Tennis is an sport that i play at AHS. I will try to write about some of the experiences that I have gone through and future events for this sport. The past events that I will write about are vacations, field trips, pets, and school. I want to record my memories, so that I can remember them forever. Anime and manga has been part of my hobbies since middle school and I hope to share my opinion about some of my favorite. Winning the lotto is one of the dreams that seems unrealistic but I keep on dreaming. When i retire, I would like to be able to play chinese card games in the park, enjoying my time slowly with my pals.
Writing was never a great strength for me in school. I hope that I can improve making my writing in the same tense, better vocabulary, and to make my writing more advanced than before. In the ninth grade, my essays or paragraphs always had the problem of different tenses. With this problem, I started to look carefully and to double-check my writing everytime, which helped out. I want to be able to write with more sophisticated words. Unfortunately, the teacher that I had last year didnt really help with vocab but focused mainly on grammar.
In this school year, i hope that i can see progress in my writing. If i could i would be surprised and think to myself, hm... all the work in class was worth the trouble.

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