Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hong Kong part 7

It took a lot asking from my mom until my grandma's sister gave us the key to Llama Island's house. Llama Island is a place where they sometimes make movies, and a lot of Caucasians live there. We took the ferry again like the time we went to Cheung Chow, but it took about an hour. When we got there, we ate lunch at a random place, with noodles. I liked the lemon tea there but the food was not so good. After the food, it started pouring rain. My mom, brother and I decided to walk in the rain with our luggage and food. With one umbrella in one hand and bag in front of me, we went through the tropical forest to reach our destination. My aunt told us that the house was near the police station and on top of a restaurant called Han Lok.
The weather was really hot and humid, so i sweated while the mosquitoes bit me. I got a total of 15 bites during that trip and some of them were pretty deadly with a bubble. Love informed us that the door might be a bit hard to open. Sadly, we did have trouble with it and Love didnt tell us how to open the door. We were frustrated from the door, drenched in sweat. Click! My mother found a way to open it through some tricky maneuver. The open was opened and a smell of rustiness or mold was all around. When exploring i found a juice box upstairs filled with ants, probably Melissa or Donovan. We threw it away because they might think it was us.
The ground was cracked with a little orange on it. Flying around were the mosquitoes, the salamanders on the slimy wall, and the mass ants all around. I didn't really want to sleep over that night but my brother just wanted to get away from our cousins. My brother and i changed and went to the nearby beach without thinking too much about later. The beach was bright and sunny, not much people. The sandy floor of the water was rough until you went 10 feet away from the beach. We were bored so we went pretty far, about 6 of those red balls that stood for how far you went. Wet, we went to Han Lok for dinner. There was air con that made our wetness feel chilly along with the buzzing mosquitoes. The lemon fried chicken , beef, and E-noodles were beast!

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