Friday, November 6, 2009

New Statement of Purpose

In the blog post that i already did, they were about mostly my trip to Hong Kong, school assignments and this one tennis incident. In my first statement of purpose i said that i would write about goals, sports , hobbies, vacations, and much more. I have mainly focused on the most recent vacation and none of the other things that i wanted to write about. On my upcoming posts i want to finish my last ideas that i remember about Hong Kong and start some about my goals. I could talk about the many unrealistic dreams that i have about lamborghinis and winning the lotto.

In my previous statement of purpose i wanted to fix my way of writing with grammar / same tense. I have not achieved this goal because i do not usually have the time to look over my blogs couple of times and make sure that i have correct grammar. Usually i just type down whatever that comes to my mind but an hour after i post it, i realize that i could have added so much more detail. One thing that i have been to lazy to do during my newer blog post are to capitalize my i's. This is because the Google Docs and the blogger document do not capitalize them for me, unlike Word. The uncapitalized i's are pretty cool because the i's dont looks so important.

In the future i would like to be able to keep writing down my ideas that i think are interesting. By writing them down, i can look over my blog one day in the distant future and remember how i thought, lived and my past. I am afraid that i will forget the precious memories because i have a somewhat selective memory. I might want to also start a story. That story can have the randomest of ideas but will seem perfect to me.

1 comment:

  1. It's true that writing regularly is a lot like leaving a gift for yourself in the future. I love going back over and reading old stuff I wrote every once in a while, for exactly the reason you point out.
