Tuesday, December 15, 2009

hong kong part 11

Still on the Upper part of ocean park, we were really hungry at the time. Hoping to find the Mcdonalds that was on the map, it was very far away. In the end my mom and uncle derek went to buy some noodles and rice. The tourist food wasnt that great, it was really hot, and i was scared the fan might die out. My brother and i were given twenty five minutes to ride the rollercoasters. After that we went to a cafe to have a drink. When we got there, May's mom, uncle derek, donovan, melissa were already waiting and full. I ordered some drink that was a mix of orange and 7 up, then trying out my brother's red bean with ice cream drink. It was getting late and we needed to be home by 4 because of an important party that my grandma's sister is having for her birthday.

On the way down, it was decided by the adults that we use the train this time and not the gondolas. Once in the room to wait in line, there was a mass amount of people there. When a train arrived people would rush , run, and crowd around the line, even pushing others. I felt the humidity , holding the fan didnt help, so i felt the sweat drip. We were finally in near the part where you walk in one by one. My mom and brother was watching the other people there and copied them by sneaking beneath the poles. This was dangerous, but my mom said someone pushed her and said, "hey! i have kid here." Having a child is not the biggest thing in the world because my brother and i are still under 18. My mom should had said, " hey there is four kids near me."

So my mom and brother were separated from us. We met them up at the when we arrived a train later than them. The feeling i got was like we were running away from the police, so everyone was in a big RUSH.

Friday, December 11, 2009

hong kong part 10

After changing the date for couple days, we finally got to go to Ocean Park. This place is a theme park, but only has 1 roller-coaster, mainly a zoo-like place. There are four pandas that are given by China. In the morning we got fully prepared for this trip, with mini-fans and drinks because the news said it would be super hot. We left the house, the trip there took a short while. The indicator that showed us we were near was a big balloon that was at the center of this theme park. We found parking, and auntie May went inside to claim the entrance tickets.

We were able to come for free because their family had a year season pass and since it was one of the family member's birthday, there was free passes that month. I have never been to Ocean park so I hoped we could come. Waiting for Aunt May, my mother took pictures while my brother, melissa , donovan and i looked at the map. There is a UP the mountain and LOWER mountain part to this resort. The mini-fan was quite useful in the heat. We went in and walked around until aunt may's mother came in and met us. She followed us the whole day since she had nothing else to do.

All i remember mainly is that we went to visit the pandas and off to the UPPER part. When standing there watching the panda eat bamboo, i heard all these chinamen speak mandarin," so cuteee." I didn't really agree with them because one panda didnt look exactly black and white but black and gray. On the gondola way up, the silly kid Donovan was tring to open the door so that we would fall and die. It was a hard time trying to stop him since my mom's order was, discouraging words were not to be used in front of him.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

hong kong part 9

Back in ifc, my family and i where all carrying our luggages along with the bedsheets. My brother had really wanted to watch the new movie GI Joe, that recently came out. So we went to the theater that was there and it was turned out to be about 80 hkd per person. After some wandering around, waiting for time to go by, we went into the theater. The seats were very comfortable, and the interesting thing was that we got to choose our seats instead of finding one. The movie was an action one with a lot of explosions. My brother and I agreed that Storm Shadow looked a lot cooler but his enemy/brother Snake eyes was a lot stronger.

When we left the movies, uncle Derek picked us up and brought us back to Causeway bay. Since our main goal of going to Llama Island was to eat seafood, my uncle decided that we go to SaiGon to eat, a well known place. We dropped our stuff off at the house, and was glad for the air con. On the way to SaiGon, uncle Derek's son Donavan was being a retard again. In the car he was whining that he wanted shui mai, this dimsum food, he kept whining and whining. So midway on our trip we stopped, got shui mai at the local 711 store, and continued with our journey after a long while.

After many twists and turns, passing by the actor Liza Wang's house, we arrived there. My uncle informed me that the desert store Honey Moon Desert was owned by my grandma's sister's cousin. Very distant relative but it is still interesting to know who all my rich relatives were. I forgot the name of our restaurant but i remember we went out to pick our seafood first. Just picking the seafood was 700hkd and the fee for preparing would be 70hkd per person. The price of this dinner would be 1300hkd without the drinks or little snacks. When the waiters showed us our table, the first things i noticed was the roof. The roof was so short, i believe it was a 6 feet roof because when i stand straight i would feel my head hitting it.