Friday, December 11, 2009

hong kong part 10

After changing the date for couple days, we finally got to go to Ocean Park. This place is a theme park, but only has 1 roller-coaster, mainly a zoo-like place. There are four pandas that are given by China. In the morning we got fully prepared for this trip, with mini-fans and drinks because the news said it would be super hot. We left the house, the trip there took a short while. The indicator that showed us we were near was a big balloon that was at the center of this theme park. We found parking, and auntie May went inside to claim the entrance tickets.

We were able to come for free because their family had a year season pass and since it was one of the family member's birthday, there was free passes that month. I have never been to Ocean park so I hoped we could come. Waiting for Aunt May, my mother took pictures while my brother, melissa , donovan and i looked at the map. There is a UP the mountain and LOWER mountain part to this resort. The mini-fan was quite useful in the heat. We went in and walked around until aunt may's mother came in and met us. She followed us the whole day since she had nothing else to do.

All i remember mainly is that we went to visit the pandas and off to the UPPER part. When standing there watching the panda eat bamboo, i heard all these chinamen speak mandarin," so cuteee." I didn't really agree with them because one panda didnt look exactly black and white but black and gray. On the gondola way up, the silly kid Donovan was tring to open the door so that we would fall and die. It was a hard time trying to stop him since my mom's order was, discouraging words were not to be used in front of him.

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