Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Quickwrite : Writing Groups

Working in groups has it's positive and negative things, it can help you from being stuck but can also distract you. I do not really have writers block except for when I am writing quickwrites. Working with your peers can offer different points of views. Your peers can be from different backgrounds or even thinking different from you. Classmates can come up with ideas that you knew but you did not remember them.

I can try to share some of my ideas about that particular subject when we are in a group. I might result in giving my random comments but i guess it will work out. Looking for errors in their writing can be an option but I am not the best at it.

Discussing our ideas with friends can be more convenient because you would have more to talk about even if there is some fooling around. If the group was with people you did not know as well, there might be awkward silence and no work gets done. Some people might get left out or one person tries too much.

The rules can be for everyone to participate and not just sit there. Another rule can be to respect your groupmates when they are talking.

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