Tuesday, January 5, 2010

hong kong part 12

After we were reunited with them, sweat was running down our foreheads. In the car, the little fans felt useless and longed for getting back home. When we did get back home, everyone took turns showering and getting ready for a birthday party that my grandma's sister was holding. My brother and I felt left out because no one told us that we needed formal clothes. So i wore a bossini t-shirt and bought a pair of pants from Sogo last minute, my brother had a Hawaiian shirt that he had brought along. Melissa and Donovan had trouble changing, they were having fun playing around with Love.

We left the house about 4 or 5 oclock, i kind of forgot. I did not go one the car with my brother and mom, I ended up going on the car with my grandma's sister and my cousin. In that car they questioned me quite a lot, some were about why i am so tall. The first reaction my cousin had was, " whoa so pretty" when he saw the birthday person. She had blue glittery pants that stood out a lot. We were first to the restaurant even though uncle dereck left before us. I sat down, and the waiter kept asking if i wanted anything to drink, so i just said water because i wasnt sure if i could get soda. Slowly the relatives started coming and eventually uncle dereck and them did too. I asked my brother why they took so long, and they told me they went to go get the birthday cake at this one bakery.

There was couple bowls of chips on the table, so Melissa, Donovan, my brother and I slowly finished them off. The only person that i remembered that talked to us was our distant relative that owned Honeymoon Desserts. She seemed amazed that my brother and I were from my grandma's side of the family and somewhat told us stories. She kind of supported us eating chips even though we were about to have a big dinner soon.

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