Tuesday, January 26, 2010

hong kong part 13

Continuing with my story at the fancy restaurant, we began to eat when everyone arrived. My brother and I both agreed that one of the waiters that asked if we wanted anything to drink looked like Andy Lau expect that his face/nose was a bit longer. The food came in small proportions one after another. I remember that we had some abalone , tiger fish, scallop, chicken, shark fin and some others. Donovan was playing around and accidentally spilled food on himself. After the food when we were all full, my brother and i started playing around with donovan and melissa, well sorta trying to make them behave.

Donovan and melissa had been hiding behind curtains and having races across the hallway. The uncles and aunt didnt approve of this so we had to take pictures. There was a few pictures with my brother, Adrian, donovan and i. They insisted on making a raising the bar picture, making me the one all the way on the right. On the second raising the bar picture, Adrian tip toed, but was still shorter than me, and i held donovan up so that he was the tallest of us three. Everyone took the family picture and donovan blew the candle for my grandma's sister's birthday cake. We parted our ways and went back to the house in Causeway Bay. But before leaving my brother and i took some mint tipped tooth picks. Our reaction when we saw it was " wahhh super fancy i want to bring some home!!" When we got back to the house, we were greeted by Love and Jessica. That day was wayyy too long from waking up early to go to Ocean park to the party at the jockey club. In two days i would have to pack up and go back to America, the place far far far away.

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