Tuesday, February 2, 2010

hong kong part 14

This night my uncle offered to watch the disney movie called Up. So after dinner, he drove my brother , mom, aunt may, donovan, melissa, and I to Aberdeen. The movie theater that we went to was grand and fancy. This time watching a movie was before laughing gor and GI Joe, so i was curious when i saw my uncle tapping the menu. The menu allowed us to pick our seats. During the movie, my aunt passed around snacks that made a lot of cracking noises. When i passed a donovan a juice box, he accidentally spilled it when he poked a hole. In a row in front of us there was a girl that predicted or knew what the movie was going to say. This pissed my mother off and tempted her to yell at the little girl but she didnt. Overall it was a good movie where the old man softens up and befriends the kid Russell.

One day far far far away from the movie night, was the day before the flight back to the states. My brother took back our octopus cards ( like BART) and my brother and i could only walk. We walked with my mom to Wan Chai to look at toys and other interesting figures. My mom had to leave around 3pm so it was the only day that my brother and I had freedom to roam around. when she left us, we finished looking around at 188 mall, where all the toy stores are. One block away from 188 mall was a McDonalds, so we went there to get some ice cream. On of the best things about McDonalds is the different things they dont have in the states. I bought a strawberry kitkat mcflurry for only 10hkd ( around 1 dollar). On our trip back to Causeway Bay we got lost, and ended walking the opposite way we were supposed to. I went into a store and asked them how do we get back to Causeway. . . everystore answered take a turn and take the MTR. Theses people did not understand that we gave our octopus card back to our mother. We could had taken the taxi but we found our way after some assistance.

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