Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Full Metal Alchemist

Back when i a boy in middle school, i saw my fake cousin read the manga, Full Metal Alchemist. I didnt want to read it at all for some reason , i guess i was being stubborn. During the summer of 2009 i was super ultra bored so i started reading this manga on onemanga. There was 100 chapters with 40 pages each chapter, to catch up on. Slowly, i started agreeing with the concepts in this manga more and more.

In the beginning of the story, Ed and his brother Alphonse try to revive their mother using alchemy. They were not able to because it is against the law, but still had to pay the fee of equivalent exchange. If they were to do alchemy you had to make a wall from existing ground or steel from a building to make a sword. No matter cannot come from nowhere. In exchange, Ed lost an arm and an leg , Alphonse lost his body in the process in their failure. The creature created was not even human but red and dying. Alphonse's soul was captured and sealed on a metal body that he uses, making him want his body back. Ed goes through a tough experience when he gets his mechanic arm and leg. He recovers from this surgery in a year, twice as fast as other people.

Ed becomes a state alchemist with the special abilities that he discovered when trying to revive his mother. Sometimes Ed would temporarily make gold to help the poor get goods from the rich, but the golds turns to iron soon after. Making gold is against one of the laws. Ed soon finds out that there is a secret organization that is trying to make a country wide transmigration circle so that the ultimate philosophers stone can be made. The philosophers stone was a stone made by offering a mass amount of people to make it. It granted immortal powers and took on the personality of either greed , jealous , and a few other sins. By making friends with people in the government, Ed and Alphonse gang up with Colonel Mustang to take done these homunculus with philosophers stones.

Currently in the story Scar, a survivor from a genocide of his clan, is fighting the President Bradley, who is a homunculus. Scar reveals that he has two transmigration circles on his arms, allowing him regeneration powers. Ed and Alphonse are fight along with a little girl from Xing against Selim and "the father" of this organization. "The father " just became godlike because his plan for country wide transmigration circle succeeded and he took control and became god.

The father was originally a black blob in a chemistry cylinder. After Ed's dad brought him alive, the blob transformed into a perfect replica of Ed's dad's body.
Ever since that day, Ed's dad has regretted bringing the blob to life and wants to fix his mistake. His goal cannot be accomplished right now because the godlike blob dude sucked Ed's dad in and is holding him captive.

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