Thursday, February 18, 2010

hong kong part 15

This will be the last episode in my 15 blogs of going to this far far far away place. It was the day to go back to United States. Looking at my luggage, i saw my new orange transformers giordano tshirt, while my brother wore his blue batman tshirt. When we left we said farewell to everyone .. . including Love, Jessica , uncle , aunt, grandma's sister. My little two cousins kept hugging my leg and really did not want us to leave. They had no body to play with and probably wanted us to stay forever in their room full of toys.

The taxi guy picked us up and we left the place that we lived at for 15. I miss that place and would want to visit again and again. When we arrived at the airport, it turned out that my neighbor and us had the same flight back. So after we ate popeyes, my brother and i went to the terminal first, my mother went somewhere. The maze to get to the terminal was long, even needing to go on a train. When we saw them we were excited and visited, sharing our new gadgets. My mom got right on time when the people announced boarding.

On the plane, the trip seemed shorter than before, maybe because i am getting used to the 13 hrs. In front in my seat there was an Indian woman that kept dropping her pillow and i helped give it back to her. It turns out that she was having a 105 degree fever. The first thing that i thought was that YIKES will i get swine flu? i thought the pillow. But it turns out that i was safe from this flu when i got home. The rest of the trip was quite positive, i even got instant ramen to eat !

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