Friday, February 19, 2010


Genocide is when an entire group of people are annihilated or is almost annihilated. These people that are killed are not necessary guilty of a crime, but a certain person just believes that they should be gone. People who participate in genocide are people that are filled with hatred or revenge. The opposite party might have hurt the person mentally or physically, or maybe not. The group of people will be driven by this hatred until they reach their goal, could be annihilate half the group or all. If people strongly support the genocide, more and more people will join in the unfair assassinations. In the system of genocide, if people that are not meant to be killed but do not support the movement, they will probably get killed also. From all this confusion, a select amount of people from both parties will go crazy from the pressure. From the people trying to survive's point of view, they lose their values in life in a instant, and become less human. From the killer's point of view, they will go crazy, especially if they are young, wondering if they should be killing so much creatures of their own kind.

It leads me to believe that humans wants vengeance if they get mad. Humanity can be easily brainwashed if they are helpless and need someone to look up to as a role model. This role model, which could be a president, leader, or a friend, has the power to change your opinions through time. Soon your way of thinking will change, to the extent of agreeing with whatever they say, no matter good or bad. The decision of helping your father or staying in line in roll call can be a touch decision when brainwashed. I believe that without this army of zombies, a genocide could not happen.

An example of genocide that occurred is in the ninja anime called Naruto. In the beginning of the story, the clan of Uchiha was exterminated in one night except for one child and the exterminator. The government ordered the exterminator, Itachi, to kill because they were afraid that this clan would get to powerful. Itachi did not actually kill on his on will but orders from a upperclass leader. This clan had passed down generation to generation special oscular abilities that could be activated at the age of ten. Sharingan allowed you to see what your opponent is about to do, also granting the user special abilities at certain levels. The lonely child, Sasuke, grew up standing out in school because of his talents. The idea of his brother being a killer stayed in his mind for his whole childhood because Sasuke saw Itachi that night.
When Sasuke was around 13 years old, he left the village to join the dark side, to fully explore his abilities. At the age of 16, he forms a group of acquaintances, to defeat his brother Itachi. The idea of his brother being a bad person stayed in his mind and influenced how he lived and thought. The day came when Sasuke killed his ill brother, but that did not truly make him feel better. A stranger comes up to Sasuke, informing him that Itachi did not kill the Uchiha clan for fun but it was an order. Sasuke believes this guy, making his new motive to revenge for his brother and destroy the clan that ordered Itachi to kill. Hatred is the source of power that fuels him, making him want to master the highest degree of the Sharingan.
Currently in this anime, Sasuke just killed the leader of the clan in a long epic battle, but with the cost of one of his dear . Without the event that happened to him when he was a child, the deep necessity to revenge for his clan would not be created.

This shows that when one group of people is killed, a survivor can aim for revenge. The cycle of genocide will not end unless, a peace agreement is compromised or countless lives will be sacrificed. Genocide can occur in people or animals, the want to destroy a group of things that are different from you. In the case of this unfortunate character, he wants to kill people that harmed him mentally, as the people that made him alone.

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