Thursday, March 4, 2010


Scoliosis is when your spine has a slight curve, that can look like a "S". The main cause usually is not genetic but i acquired mine during puberty. I have always been known to be growing fast and tall, so unfortunately one of legs grew a big longer than the other. This unbalance of the legs made my whole body unbalanced, including my shoulders and spine. sighh. The consequences of growing too tall can be different for all people. Luckily, the scoliosis that i have is quite minor and i do not need a brace for my back. If i did need one, i would hate wearing t shirts, because the brace out stand out. The only thing i have to do for this problem is put a 1/4 inch plastic thing on my shoe so i have equally tall.

It all started on a day of simple tennis practice about two years ago. I was practicing by myself against an invincible enemy, the big tall brick wall. So, one time i stroked the ball and pop, i feel something feel stretched. I just ignored it and kept playing, never winning against this unstoppable defense. The next day i woke up and i felt the pain on my back. It felt sore at first but i still exercised that day, the day after i could barely move. My mother and aunt applied heat, something i thought was good at first but learned it was not advisable a year later. The heat felt goooood and relaxing but it didnt help with the pain in the long run.

As soon as could get an appointment, i went to the doctor's for a checkup. My aunt from Seattle had accompanied me there because my mom was at work. Our usual doctor was busy so this person was unknown to me. She pressed around the lumbar vertebra and asked me how much it hurt on the specific places. Her conclusion was that i got a back muscle spasm and i need rest. Ah! But, i had to go to Seattle in one week to help my grandparents move. I guess, i couldnt be as much help to them as i thought. She also saw that my legs were slightly unbalanced so she used a book to put on bottom of my left foot. With that book, it looked a bit more balanced.

The day following my doctor check up, i went to Alameda hospital to get a xray on my back to see if i had scoliosis. The old american man that was helping me got frustrated. He said that i was moving too much and it would take the whole day if i dont stay still. I was probably quite nervous at the time. After we got the results, it was officially confirmed that i had the curving of my spine.

From this discovery, i learned that i should not force things when i am playing a sport. Thinking about it, this can be applied to life, dont be forceful and there is always limits. If my body hurts a little bit, i should quit and go rest, because i can always play tennis another day.

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