Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lit Circle , Letter 1

Katniss is a girl from District 12, coal being its main way of life. When her sister gets picked for the Hunger Games, Katniss volunteers to take her place, making her seem heroic. The Hunger Games is where one boy and one girl each of the twelve districts is chosen for fighting in an arena til the last one survives, simply for the pleasure of the Capitol. Getting ready for the fight, Katniss is transported to the Capitol and her popularity rises. Her stylist, Cinna, helps give Katniss an unforgettable image that is about her being on fire.

During the training session or tryouts for Katniss to show the judges what she can do, she scores an eleven, the highest being twelve. She attained this score by shooting an arrow through the apple of a pig the judges were eating, surprising them. So, I wonder . . . can she live up to the expectations she has of winning? With the support of her sister and family, the image boost , and high score, it should be a big help. But, somehow i think these advantages might backfire and go against her because it will make her hated by all the other tributes.

Right where the bookmark ended, the boy tribute from district 12, Peeta confessed his love for Katniss. This might be real or fake but his goal was to make Katniss seem more desirable for the sponsors. The sponsors can help you during the Hunger Game when you need certain necessities so that you do not die. Can this confession really help her?? I am sure there is another way for her to get sponsors even though their mentor is not helping them. Their mentor is a former tribute that survived the game and won, but right now he is a drunken fat dude.

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