Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tennis racket cracks

My first tennis racket that had a huge crack was bought from my friend's friend called John Chan. The racket was a Babolat PureDrive with cortex second generation. Along the B of the Babolat near the head of the racket was where the crack rested in. I had first found out around the crack when i broke my gosen tennis strings. Sighh I tried to ask people to help me restring my racket but when they saw the crack they were afraid their stringing machine would get hurt. Risking my racket getting a bigger crack was not a problem for me but their machine breaking would make me responsible. So . . . I decided to get a brand new racket in Hong Kong. Unfortunately this trip was a month away so i had to use my friends racket. It was quite heavier and older than mines, making my arm a bit bigger.

When i got this Babolat PureDrive Third gen, the difference being that this frame is composed of graphite and tungsten (GT), i worried that it would be a fake racket because i got it in China. Playing with the racket and being able to hit 80mph serves reassures me that it is real. But, the thing that this racket was about 130 usd still worries me a bit because the original price in California is 185+tax. Haha. When i was young, i always thought that +tax meant that it was included already, but noooo it means PLUS TAX. I guess i always interpret wording in some things differently then how they are supposed to. Another time that thing happened was in Spanish class. The directions for the Destinos activity said can you answer these questions without using the word bank, so i thought that you had to use other words. I was reminded that it said "can you" and not that you have to use other words, and that they mainly wanted you to use the word bank.

Okay, continuing with my cracked tennis story. . . Three days i ago i was practicing after school at AHS, when i realized something. Like usual, i use my left hand to hold the throat of the racket, somehow making me feel more balanced. I felt that there was a chip on the paint of the racket. When i was not busy, i closely examined the paint chip, and saw that it was another crack. At first i didnt see that the inner black part of the racket was cracked but, i confirmed it after staring at it for a long while. I was shocked, another tennis racket broken. I am sure that i can use that racket for another month or so, but sooner or later i need to buy another one. Learning from both the cracks, i think this time i will get one from, because there is a one year insurance just in case your racket cracks. Hopefully no more of my future bought rackets crack, because they cost a big amount of two hundred dollars, a big investment for having fun.

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