Thursday, March 18, 2010


The California high school exit exam. . . the test that we need to pass high school. I never thought that this test would be hard, and it is not. Even before the test my buddies told me that it was just simple English from 8th grade, and math that is from 7th grade ( algebra 1). So, with that i decided not to study at all for either tests, not even using the blue and gold ELA book. In our English class, one substitute forced us to practice the problems on the booklet but i did not really try. He stressed how important this test was.haha

The first day of testing, i asked my friend that gives me a ride to school if we can go 15 mins earlier. I woke up at 7 but went back to sleep accidentally and woke back up at 7:10. I still got to my friends house at the agreed time, 7:20 but they were not ready yet. It turns out that we left at 7:45, 5 mins earlier instead of 15. I was not able to visit my buddies on the day of testing but oh wells.

On the list outside of the conselor's office, it said that i have to go to the cafeteria. When i got there people were lining up outside and the security guy was trying to make us single file. For a moment i thought that i forgot my ID card but luckily it was in my backpack. The first part of the test for day one was about English and the multiple choice. The writing task was quite lame because it was writing about a time where you missed an opportunity but still benefited. I did not know what to write so i just bsed it about wrote about skipping summer school for vacation. I benefited by learning about the culture in that place and having a good time. =D

Day two. The math part of this testing was so easy, i believe it was easier than Alg 1. Most of the material was about logic and you didnt really need to think to solve them. The one question that stood out to me was n=12 what is -n? Lol. the answer was obviously -12, how can you not know that? During both parts of the tests, i had about 45 mins of extra time to spend. Unfortunately i forgot to bring homework to do that day and was extremely bored, so i took a little nap. When i woke up, i felt that the blood in my leg feel funny. I started playing with this tennis ball that i left in my backpack long time ago. The lady immediately came over and said, " Put your ball away !" My friend and i started laughing, but i put the ball away of course. Does placing with a tennis ball really distract all the other people?? I think if they were super concentrated in the test, they should be in the zone and not notice the green sparkly bouncy ball.

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