Tuesday, March 30, 2010

writing goals

It is the start of a new quarter and that means we have to do another statement purpose for our blogs. I kinda forget but we might have not done one during the end of the first semester. I looked through my old blog posts from the school year, and i find stuff mostly about my hongkong trip but i also see writing about tennis, and a lot of school related assignments. What are my current goals as a writer? From the prompt that was posted up, it said we have about one last quarter to blog.

I plan to blog about anime, some more tennis stories, weird facts about me, and my goals for the future. The only anime that i talked about so far is Full Metal Alchemist, meaning that i have a lot more to write about including prince of tennis, naruto, bleach, ultimo, pokemon, yugioh, kirby, and one piece. Each of these animes have a special element in them but most of them have the idea of protecting your friends. My tennis stories will most likely about the ones that stand out to me the most because i cant remember my daily stories with clear details everyday.

Goals that i can write can be the ones in the near future or they can be in the distant future. Well for the goals that is near, i guess school counts because that is the main thing we need to suceed in right now. Recently, we were given the light yellow forms to fill out what classes we want. I turned the paper in yesterday afterschool, unsure about what to choose for zero period. It was either journalism or current life, i was unsure about journalism because i am not very cofident with my writing skills. The option of current life was not as good as journalism because it is only half a year, but i need that class to graduate. I decided to get zero period because i found out that we were allowed to have zero thru fifth period. This would make my future as a junior much more enjoyable because i get to get out of school at lunch on tuesdays and wednesdays. For the rest of my classes, i chose regular English 3, Ap Us history , Ap calculus, Ap Physics, and Hp Spanish 4. Yesss i know 3 Ap and 1 Hp classes will be hard and it might mean getting 4 hrs of sleep half of the school year, but Apush and Hp spanish 4 i might not get in. For Apush we had to fill out an application and it included a essay and a segment saying why you wanted to be in that class, i kinda bsed it because it didnt really really want to be in that class. For Hp spanish 4, we had to write a one page essay about either who is the person that is most important in your life or why you chose this class all in spanish. I hope with these advance placement classes, they can look good on my transcript and result in a good college. For longer term goals , i want to get better in tennis but not that much get into varsity. Getting into varsity in Ahs is quite pointless because we dont progress there.

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