Tuesday, April 13, 2010

book 2 , lit circle part 1 / 2

In the previous book , it ended when Katniss and Peeta got home to district 12 and Peeta feels that katniss's love is really fake. So continuing with the story line, president snow came to katniss's house to tell her that she must act very in love or there might be consequences. When i first read this, would threatening to kill her family and Gale really work at a threat, she rebelled against the Hunger Games. Peeta and Katniss's similar way of thinking were to show the Capitol that they werent just part of their games, like a toy. So Katniss gets into her role along with Peeta, they go to the extent that they would get married and have a wedding preparation. By this time, Gale and Katniss mutually know that Katniss and Peeta are fake. Katniss asked each Peeta and Gale if they wanted to run away in the forest to live forever. Peeta's response was that of course, but they had a whole family to bring along too. Gale's response was that he would go away with her, but there might be a rebellion in the mines and he wants Katniss to support her, resulting in Katniss not running away

Katniss's hopes of running away when there is a new leader of the capitol people in town, he adds electricity to the fences that guard the city. Gale is beaten by the new leader called Thread, in the public because he was caught with a turkey. I think that the other neighbors should had protected him before katniss / peeta came to the rescue. Katniss got hit my Threads whip so this helped Katniss as an excuse to not have to try wedding dresses as long. Before the fence was fixed, Katniss met

One point that surprises me is the 75th quarter quell, an anniversary games that celebrate how the people were tortured. Unfortunately the rules for this game was that all past victors were to be put in the the selection, leaving one boy one girl. Since katniss is the only female victor , she is forced to go to the games again, just on time to prevent a rebellion. Although katniss thinks this too, i wonder is this set up by the president to stop war. Or did the creators of the games really make up these rules 300 years ago with such good timing? I think it is a bit suspicious but they still have to go on with the games.

So before the games starts, there is young and old people unlike normal games were it is just under 18 years old. katniss and peeta were the youngest and there was a 80 year old lady that volunteered herself in place in a young girl named Annie. I somewhat expect the old people to die earlier because they arent as strong but the old lady allies with Finnick ( the guy tribute from their district), Katniss, and Peeta. All the tributes slowly becomes friends with katniss and peeta, they even held hand all together the day before the games. I think this would make it hard to kill each other freely, but the next day, Finnick speared the guy from district 5 just when the games started. It is somewhat weird how all the tributes collaborate so well. Peeta and his clever way of using his mouth, convinced the crowd of the Capitol that he and Katniss secretly are already married and that Katniss is pregnant. This made the crown feel really sorry for the star crossed lovers and they didnt want them to die anymore but they cant really do anything about it.

even though that they have to go try to survive again, i hope they win the games or that something unexpected happen...

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