Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hunger Games monthly review.

monthly review
12. what are the weaknesses of this book, in you opinion?
Although the book Hunger Games is constructed with beginning middle and end, there are some things that makes me feel there is something fishy. In every situation where the main character or the supporting characters are about to die, they do not. No body said that the main character can not die, it would just make the book more eventful. A few examples of when this happens is when Katniss is dehydrating, or when Peeta is dying. After dehydrating for three days, Katniss somehow finds water on her brink of death. When Peeta is dying, Katniss miraculously comes to save him, even though the odds of finding him was so slim. This element makes Katniss seem very lucky and just won't die, making the book go along too well.

Another weakness that comes to mind is how useless Peeta is in the story. Even though he saved Katniss when they were little kids about ten years ago, that doesnt mean Katniss needs to save him time after time. The only thing that Peeta contributed in winning the tournament is acting that he loves Katniss. It could be acting or real, but without Katniss cooperating in the plan, they could not have done it. If I were to write this book, I would kill Peeta in a slow and painful way, so that Capitol can have fun watching. This would most likely make the audience that is reading the book a lot happier, than the constant escapes of death. If it was not for Peeta, right after they won the Hunger Games, they would not have needed to be on guard against the Capitol. I guess these might be weaknesses in the book, and they are what helps make the book longer, but these are the things that make me raise an eyebrow.

17. Pick a character that interested you and write about them in depth.
Katniss, a girl that grew up in the ghetto part of District twelve called the Seam, has to support her family. After her father died from an mine explosion, her mother had a mental breakdown and Katniss was alone in supporting her family. Along with her hunting buddy, Gale, they went into the woods, knowing how severe the consequences are. Slowly they made acquaintances with neighbors and other people they could trade their food with. Even with meat from hunting, that was not enough for Katniss' family, so she had to take tesseras for the family to get more grain and wheat. Tesseras was when you put your name in the Hunger Game one more time to get more food. Some people had taken seven tesseras, one more every year since they were eligible.

When Prim, Katniss' sister is chosen for the Hunger Games, Katniss bravely switches with Prim to be a tribute. From that moment on, Katniss' life changed, scaring death but mainly worrying about her beloved family. In the last time they were able to meet, Katniss made arrangements with the baker and the major to help her family out. In the train ride to Capitol, Katniss had to adapt to the life style of luxurious foods. Throughout the book, she reminds herself that she has to win because she promised Prim that she would.
From all the abilities and qualities that she has, acting is one of the important ones that helped her out. Surviving the Games and winning with the other tribute was mainly from the fact that she acted that she loved Peeta. I believe becoming allies with Rue, was a smart choice but it did not help her much because Rue died very quickly. Archery skills acquired from years of hunting experience was very important, making it her goal to get a bow and arrow. The best quality that she has is luck, probably because she is the main character. Fortunately she survived a bee attack she caused, the bee stings, somehow dodging dozens of fireballs,and an attack from mutated dogs. In the end of the Games, Katniss and Peeta challenged and rebeled against the Capitol for their survival. They knew that this was a wrong action that would end up in later pressures from Capitol, but the love act had to be kept. Poisonous berries that killed once it hit the stomach were used as bait so that Katniss and Peeta would not have to kill each other.

11.What was the author's purpose(s) in writing this book, and how can you tell? How well was this purpose achieved?
The author's purpose in writing this book is to tell how to survive in the wild, how people can change, and how strong love is. Twenty-four tributes, two from each district, were chosen to play the hunger games. The last one winning of this competition would be the winner and gain glory , fame, wealth, living in a special part of town created for them. This was a crucial element in the Games until it was announced that both tributes from the District could be the winners. Special skills helped certain people survive however long they could, for example: Katniss used a bow and arrow to get food, Thresh won battles with pure strength, Rue had good hunting and gathering skills, Peeta could make bread, ... and so on. People changed in this book when people's way of thinking was changed. Priorities were changed because it was not all about fun or being full, it was survival of the fittest, mentally and physically. After eating a lot of rich foods on the train and in Capitol, the leaner people gained some weight, but it was quickly used up in the games. This purpose was achieved very well when in the end Peeta and Katniss needed an extreme makeover for their body, and they knew that this victory would affect their whole lives.

Showing how strong love is in this book was very big because it helped Katniss and Peeta live. Katniss' love for Prim made her sacrifice herself to protect Prim. Love that was acted between Katniss and Peeta was strong enough to persuade the audience of the Games to help them survive. Unfortunately this big part of the book confuses Katniss mentally, does she like/love Peeta or Gale? Peeta was the person that she escaped death with but Gale is the one that she hunted with everyday, and helped support her family.

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