Monday, March 22, 2010

Lit circle part 3

Yay. I finally finished this book, about one week earlier than we needed to. In the end of the book, Katniss and Peeta both wins the games together but their relationship is different. In front of the audience, they both were sweet and caring to each other. Without this element in their way to winning, they wouldnt have gotten sponsor's gifts to help them survive. Unfortunately on the train ride back to District 12, Peeta asks Katniss if she misses Gale and did she really like him. Katniss really feels that Peeta was not lying to her in the Games, and he really did like her since first grade. Katniss' answer is not very certain and direct and gives Peeta the idea that she never did like him. So, Peeta decides to not be as close to Katniss but in front of the media they still have to act sweet. If the Capitol finds out, they might think that katniss and Peeta acted to make Capitol look bad, then get revenge.

In my opinion, Katniss seems like she is falling for Peeta a little bit. So, she should keep the act up and eventually it will not be an act and she really will love him. Maybe outside of the games, they can understand each other better. I think that Peeta is kinda useless and should have died in this book, getting a mechanic leg is not enough punishment. He didnt do much in the book and mainly counted on Katniss to stay alive. For Peeta to win fairly, he should have equally helped Katniss out in survival, not just the lovey dovey act. He caused katniss more trouble than help, especially when he got cut by cato, bitten by the mutated dogs, and other injuries. Just acting for the Capitol will eventually blow up in their faces and backfire when one side gets mad.

Sigh . i am pass 300 words, now time to go random. this week is horrible. math midterm part 1 and 2 , chem test , history test , pacer test , mile run test , pe written, and ill just squeeze that 1000 word assignment last minute on friday =D

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