Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lit Circle part 2

By the end of the story it is unclear whether or not Peeta really loves Katniss. Peeta goes through many obstacles to make sure Katniss is relatively safe. He joins the Career Tributes, a group of people that live better than the rest of the districts, in hope to tell them false things about Katniss. Katniss thinks that Peeta betrayed her, but she finds out that isnt true when Peeta saves her life. Katniss released a bunch of tracker jackers ( deadly mutated bumble bees) into the Career Tributes camp. In order to protect Katniss from Cato, Peeta took a swing from Cato to the leg. From there on, Peeta was kicked out of the group, making Katniss confused.

Katniss teams up with Rue, a cleaver little girl from district 11, to form an alliance. After Rue is assassinated by a kid from district 1, Katniss shoots and gets revenge on this boy. When the announcement is said that both tributes from each district can survive this year, Katniss goes looking for Peeta. Peeta is dying from the injury on the leg but on the rescue is Katniss. i think that Katniss will realize all that Peeta has done for her soon, and be thankful. =)

Katniss finds him and fixes him up. The thoughts running across her mind is that does he really love her? My opinion is that he really wants to be with her, when he tells the story of liking her ever since elementary school. Is this a story to please the audience in the Capitol, i dont knoww, but it sounds pretty real. I think it is unfair how Katniss only acts likes she is falling in love while Peeta is not. From the acting of the duo, the audience in the capitol gives them supplies when they most need it, because they are loving the romance.

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