Thursday, October 29, 2009

hong kong part 6

Even though the title of this post is hk part 6, it is about the time I went to Macau. My mom had planned to go to Macau, a gambling place like Las Vegas, even before we got to Hong Kong. So one day my uncle brought us to get tickets to get there, a ferry ticked and hotel room. When we waited, my brother and i had to wait in the car with Donovan, Melissa, and aunt May. It took my mom and uncle a long time, so we waited and waited and I took a picture of Donovan when he fell asleep. Eventually i went out to go to Okashi Land to buy candy/snacks. My aunt told us why there was so much Philippians across the street in Causeway Bay, it was because they were maids that were on a day off. They came back, we went back home, and ate the delicious banana chocolate candy.

We left for Macau the following day. We left early in the morning, earlier than normal, for the Sheung Wan station for the ferry. The red big ferry boat rocked left and right and that instantly gave me a headache. I tried reading the Old Master Q I bought at the newstand but I failed because of the dizziness. I quit and went to sleep for the hour ride that it takes. Outside the terminal, all i saw outside was all the buses that brought you to the hotel for free. We rode the Rio Bus to our hotel and found out that it was quite fancy. My mom's plan for Macau was that we kept riding these free buses and visit the hotels.

I thought that this place was no way similar to Las Vegas. Macau was a lot stricter on the 18 and younger limit in casinos. I was not even allowed to go in, while in Las Vegas we can go through in order to find parent or go to hotel room. Macau was a lot less lively than Las Vegas, and no arcades for kids. We visited some of the hotels that looked liked for rich people, but some of them I couldn't go in because the front entrance was the hotel. I had bought some almond cookies for my friends as souvenirs. We visited the Macau Fisherman's wharf and a tourist site called Tai Sam Ba. At Tai Sam Ba there was Giordano and Bossini, and my brother bought Gundams at a local store. The day after we arrived at Macau, we had left and was left disappointed.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

hong kong part 5

This day was another day for a tourist attraction, the Big Buddha on Ngong Ping, Lantau Island. We woke up and ate the usual breakfast and left for the MTR. We took the Causeway Bay station and stopped at the Tung Chung station, which was beyond Disneyland. Outside the Station was a plaza and a few shops but seemed deserted. We took the escaltor to the place where you get tickets for the gondala. It turned out being around 120 hkd because we chose the one way crystal bottom on the gondala.

on the ride, i thought it was fun because of the constant rocking and my mom's friend being scared of looking down. We saw a body of water and a long mountain of green trees. It was surprising that there was a route on the mountains, so that you can walk there, must be torture.
When we got there it was very peaceful but my mom and her friend planned a lot of things to do. They decided to eat first so we ate at a local restaurant. I got this noodle with three soy sauce chicken wings with this blueberry tapioca. The blueberry tapioca was good, but it did not last too long. The lunch took my forever to finish because I had to eat some of my brother's leftovers, while my mom talking to strangers.
The big buddha was far, we got there very fast. When i saw the amount of steps, i thought,"oh thats a lot of steps." My brother and I raced up there while everyone else went slowly, and taking pictures. My mom's friends were a bit obesed so they took forever. At the top wasnt much to do, we just took pictures and walked around inside. After they bought these souvenirs, my brother and I laughed at them because they actually thought it got blessed.

The Big Buddha buiding was build quite recently so i don't understand why it is so religious. My brother and I saw a monk and asked each other if we wanted to gamble with cards because our dad told us we will have bad luck if we gambling after seeing a monk. We went down the Buddha and drank some lemon tea. My mom and brother got a straw-hat while they could have gotten that in America. We got home and it was a day .

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

hong kong part 4

This day the adults decided they wanted to go eat seafood somewhere far away. My mom, brother, and I woke up for the usual breakfast then left the house for the Causeway Bay mtr station. We rode the MTR til we got to Central, got off and then walked to the ferry station, passing by ifc, the international finance center. On the bridge, I was horrified because i saw a bunch of people that didn't have an arm or leg. My dad told me later that they didn't need to ask for money because the government gives them enough money to live. At the Number 4 ferry station, we waited for my mom's friends. The destination was cheung chow, a place known for their seafood.

The boat rocked, and when i woke up after our ride, I was sweating from all the humidity. We didn't know where to go so we just took a left when we exited the ferry building in cheung chow. On the way we saw a fire station, a few temples, and a somewhat beach. At the beach we took pictures of the land formations and the view. The main temple had a basketball court next to it, I didn't like the idea of playing basketball in that weather. The restaurant we ate at, had 7 dishes for about 220 hkd. The food was delicious but when I asked for Coke I got Pepsi. On our way out we were a bit early for the ferry so i went to Circle K (similar to 711) to get some potato flavored potato chips, ice cream, microwavable shui mai, and a bottle of lemon tea. The fish meat shui mai was okay but it felt cool to be able to microwave shui mai. My brother went to Ipzone to buy some pants right before we left to go back to Central. After an trying day of being a tourist we go back to Happy View Terrace, with Melissa and Donovan attack us with their whining.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Tennis incident

It was last Tuesday, August 29 2009, when I got into this argument at Washington Park. I played with my friend for about one hour and then he had to leave. I stayed on the court to practice my inconsistent serve. After playing for about 10 minutes, some guy named Manny came to my court and acted very friendly. Before my friend Norman and I didnt like this guy because when we wanted his court he did not leave. He just told us that he just started but we knew he was lying. I did not have a good impression on this guy.

When he came over I just kept serving and minding my own business. Randomly he asked me if Mahamud was coming over. I wondered inside my head, " why is he asked me this" so I just answered I dont know. So Mahamud came over into my court and greeted Manny. I got the idea that they wanted my court somehow but i kept on serving. When they seemed like they were ready to play they took my court. so i kept serving even though they were there. So they got mad and ordered me to leave. It was the rules that if there is only person on a court and you have two , you can kick them out. But that rule only applies if there is an empty court that the two people can use. I did not move because court 4 was obviously open but they wouldnt go there, they like my court more. After a long time of arguing Mahamud pushed me, saying that he was trying to be nice before. I called the cops because it would not harm me but only him.

In the end no one really got into deep trouble but i think this is a case of bullying, two old people vs. one kid. This story kinda spread throughout washington park like it was high school. I guess this can be called tennis gossip. My friend , Ron, heard of the story of a tall asian calling the cops on Mahamud but didnt think it was me. I confirmed and I thought it was funny how fast it spread.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tatum Unit Part 1

(12.) Certainly some people are more prejudiced than others, actively embracing and perpetuating negative and hateful images of those who are different from themselves. When we claim to be free of prejudice, perhaps what we are really saying is that we are not hate-mongers.[10] But none of us is completely innocent. Prejudice is an integral part of our socialization,[11] and it is not our fault. Just as the preschoolers my student interviewed are not to blame for the negative messages they internalized, we are not at fault for the stereotypes, distortions, and omissions that shaped our thinking as we grew up.

I agree with this paragraph because i think all people are some what prejudice. There are people that are super peaceful and are kind to all other people and other people who kill others because of race. No one is really not prejudice because they can be doing it unconsciously but people that are not as prejudice. They go the supermarket to buy some apples, and you buy the red ones because you don't like green. The green one could taste better but u look at it and don't like the color. We were influenced by our parents and we naturally got stereotypes. I think it is significant because it sums up the article. I shows that we learn prejudice from when we are young and that we are all prejudice to one extent.

Friday, October 2, 2009

hong kong part 3

The following day, my mother decided to meet up with some of her friends that we will go to tourist attractions with. We got off at Central Station to meet up with them. After twenty minutes of waiting, they finally came. My mom's friend was chubby and her Chinese was like a typical ABC. Her daughter amazingly looked exactly like her mother but with a little bit more long face, i guess it is like mother like daughter. Her husband was surprisingly not fat but more buff, and gave off a good impression. So we were off to our first destination, The Peak, by taking the bus. The bus had only cost 9 hkd for a trip that lasted a long time up to the peak of a mountain which you can see all of hong kongs buildings.
On the ride up my mother and her friend talked while my brother and I got to know Andrew, the husband's name. His occupation was a plumber and had jokes about how he got poop out of the toilet. This guy shared some of the same views that my brother and I had about society. When we got to the top there was a shopping mall up there with Bubba Gumps ( like the one in S.f.) in a building in the shape of a Y. There was a place for tourist to take pictures, so my mom dragged me there. I never liked taking pictures and I agree with the phrase ,"pictures suck your soul out" from Rurouni Kenshin, a manga. We walked until a gate where we took pictures again, then decided to walk back to the shopping mall because we felt hot, and tired easily.
I felt that we where missing something because all we did was take pictures, surely there was something more to this tourist attraction. After we decided that the food up there cost too much we took a train that cost couple more dollars, but it was that much cooler. We got lost in Kowloon but found our way by using the MTR. When we got home, my grandma's sister asked us if we had fun and if we went all around the peak to a fun part, which i thought was stupid because no one told us.