Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tatum Unit Part 1

(12.) Certainly some people are more prejudiced than others, actively embracing and perpetuating negative and hateful images of those who are different from themselves. When we claim to be free of prejudice, perhaps what we are really saying is that we are not hate-mongers.[10] But none of us is completely innocent. Prejudice is an integral part of our socialization,[11] and it is not our fault. Just as the preschoolers my student interviewed are not to blame for the negative messages they internalized, we are not at fault for the stereotypes, distortions, and omissions that shaped our thinking as we grew up.

I agree with this paragraph because i think all people are some what prejudice. There are people that are super peaceful and are kind to all other people and other people who kill others because of race. No one is really not prejudice because they can be doing it unconsciously but people that are not as prejudice. They go the supermarket to buy some apples, and you buy the red ones because you don't like green. The green one could taste better but u look at it and don't like the color. We were influenced by our parents and we naturally got stereotypes. I think it is significant because it sums up the article. I shows that we learn prejudice from when we are young and that we are all prejudice to one extent.

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