Friday, October 2, 2009

hong kong part 3

The following day, my mother decided to meet up with some of her friends that we will go to tourist attractions with. We got off at Central Station to meet up with them. After twenty minutes of waiting, they finally came. My mom's friend was chubby and her Chinese was like a typical ABC. Her daughter amazingly looked exactly like her mother but with a little bit more long face, i guess it is like mother like daughter. Her husband was surprisingly not fat but more buff, and gave off a good impression. So we were off to our first destination, The Peak, by taking the bus. The bus had only cost 9 hkd for a trip that lasted a long time up to the peak of a mountain which you can see all of hong kongs buildings.
On the ride up my mother and her friend talked while my brother and I got to know Andrew, the husband's name. His occupation was a plumber and had jokes about how he got poop out of the toilet. This guy shared some of the same views that my brother and I had about society. When we got to the top there was a shopping mall up there with Bubba Gumps ( like the one in S.f.) in a building in the shape of a Y. There was a place for tourist to take pictures, so my mom dragged me there. I never liked taking pictures and I agree with the phrase ,"pictures suck your soul out" from Rurouni Kenshin, a manga. We walked until a gate where we took pictures again, then decided to walk back to the shopping mall because we felt hot, and tired easily.
I felt that we where missing something because all we did was take pictures, surely there was something more to this tourist attraction. After we decided that the food up there cost too much we took a train that cost couple more dollars, but it was that much cooler. We got lost in Kowloon but found our way by using the MTR. When we got home, my grandma's sister asked us if we had fun and if we went all around the peak to a fun part, which i thought was stupid because no one told us.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, your memory of this trip is pretty fantastic! Are you working off notes? Did you take a journal with you on your trip, or something? The ordered detail is pretty impressive.
