Tuesday, October 13, 2009

hong kong part 4

This day the adults decided they wanted to go eat seafood somewhere far away. My mom, brother, and I woke up for the usual breakfast then left the house for the Causeway Bay mtr station. We rode the MTR til we got to Central, got off and then walked to the ferry station, passing by ifc, the international finance center. On the bridge, I was horrified because i saw a bunch of people that didn't have an arm or leg. My dad told me later that they didn't need to ask for money because the government gives them enough money to live. At the Number 4 ferry station, we waited for my mom's friends. The destination was cheung chow, a place known for their seafood.

The boat rocked, and when i woke up after our ride, I was sweating from all the humidity. We didn't know where to go so we just took a left when we exited the ferry building in cheung chow. On the way we saw a fire station, a few temples, and a somewhat beach. At the beach we took pictures of the land formations and the view. The main temple had a basketball court next to it, I didn't like the idea of playing basketball in that weather. The restaurant we ate at, had 7 dishes for about 220 hkd. The food was delicious but when I asked for Coke I got Pepsi. On our way out we were a bit early for the ferry so i went to Circle K (similar to 711) to get some potato flavored potato chips, ice cream, microwavable shui mai, and a bottle of lemon tea. The fish meat shui mai was okay but it felt cool to be able to microwave shui mai. My brother went to Ipzone to buy some pants right before we left to go back to Central. After an trying day of being a tourist we go back to Happy View Terrace, with Melissa and Donovan attack us with their whining.

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