Monday, May 24, 2010

Monthy Review, the last one we will write for our sophomore year in alameda high.

The school year is about to end with about 13 days left and not all of them are instruction days. That means that we have to write and finish our monthly reviews and finals very soon. The last novel that our group read is Maximum Ride by James Patterson. It is about a group of people that are 98% human and 2% bird and they are on their adventure to find out about who they are after a place called the School mutated their genes. Along the way, Max, Fang, Iggy, Angel, Gasman, and Nudge are constantly attacked by a group of part wolf part humans called Erasers. Angel is captured by the white coats in the beginning and the group's goal is to rescue her before finding out about their identity.

A character that stood out when i was reading this book is Max. Max is a girl from european decent with possibly blond hair and is very light weight because of her bird genes. Her full Maximum Ride , also the name of the book, was thought up when she was with Jeb, a parent like figure in the flock but he mysteriously disappeared two years ago. Max is the leader among the flock, and the moment when Angel is taken away, she gives the orders to fly hundreds of miles to Death Valley, where the School is , to rescue Angel. On the way flying to Death Valley, she sees that a girl is being bullied on the ground so she decides to go down and help the girl. Unfortunately good intentions arent always good, the people that was bullying the girl took a gun and shot Max's arm and wing, making her injured. When the girl and her mother, which is a vet, decides to make sure Max is recovered, Max feels a feeling of being at home and having someone care for her. This can be proved with the quote on pg 144:
Plus her mom was so awesome. She was strict about some things- dont leave your socks lying around- but so not strict about other things , like calling the cops about my bullet wound. Unlike any other parent I'd ever heard of, she didnt press for details, didnt lecture, and believed what i said. She actually accepted me. Like she accpeted Ella, for who she was.

Jeb, who was the traitor because his mysterious dissappearance from the flock was because he went back to the School to be a whitecoat, possibly can be Max's father because Jeb said," you killed your own brother!" ( pg 400) Since Ari was Jeb's son and he said Ari was Max's brother, Jeb could be Max's father.

I forgot to mention that each member of the group has their own special abilities and Max develops a voice in her head about halfway in the book. This voice guides Max through their adventure trying to find the Institute. Resulting from this voice, Max randomly gets headaches that can makes movement impossible, sometimes happening when she is flying and she falls and falls. This makes the rest of the flock worry deeply about her, making her wonder of this voice is a friend or a enemy. There is a quote from the last page of the first book that talks about the voice. annly has this quote on her last lit circle letter too.
The Voice came right back to me : That's more than three questions, Max. And sometimes whether someone is your friend or enemy is all in how you look at it. But if you must know, i consider myself your friend, a good friend who loves you very much. No one loves you more than I do, Maximum. Now listen. I ask the questions, not you. You're just here and the Voice actually chuckled, for the ride. For the incredible , indescribable Maximum Ride.

The weaknesses of this book are not much but there are a few i would like to point out. When i first read the summary about 2% bird, i thought," Isnt this a bit exaggerated?" With only 2% of their genes being nonhuman, it affects their bone structure, giving them flying abilities, super strength, and individual abilities like breathing underwater. It should probably be a much bigger ratio. Another problem that has been on my mind is when Max got a xray from Dr.Martinez and saw that she has a microchip in her forearm. It is not very clear that whether or not if only Max has it or does the whole flock have this microchip. The rest of the flock should had gotten a xray too after they rescued Angel. When Dr.Martinez told Max that is she wanted to take it out, she might risk her whole lower arm, i would had done it. It is highly likely that this microchip is a tracking device, without this chip the Erasers wouldn't have been so fast at finding the group. Mentioning that there was a microchip in Max was not very relevant because they did not mention it after that incident. Another flaw is Iggy, the only blind member of the group. The author wrote this book, saying that Iggy can fly hundreds of miles, build a bomb, and other out of the ordinary activities but he is blind. Realistically, even though his other senses are more alert because his sight is gone, flying is near impossible because you would feel very lost. Sometimes when i am bored, i close my eyes and try to walk around, even walking is hard enough for me. An awkward part of the book could be when Max's dreams and voice appeared on a subway kid's computer without touching it. I think that it would be better if when Max touched it, the images appeared, it would seem like magic.

Another book that is from the same genre as Maximum ride is other book that our group read earlier, The Hunger Games. Both books are about science fiction, one being about people with human DNA mutation, the other is about survival in an arena. The main idea in both books is to not die, one being surviving from deadly Erasers, the other is about surviving a last one standing game. In my opinion, both book are quite easy to read because they tell what the main character is thinking at the time, making the book more simpler because they are around our age. Max thinks deeply every time in a difficult situation for the sake of the whole team. Katniss tries to survive to see her family at home. In terms of which book is more science fiction, Maximum Ride wins. Clearly, this book is more sci-fi because of the superhuman strength, transforming werewolves, flying mutated people. This book is a bit less exciting than Hunger Games because sometimes you can guess what will happen. In the Hunger Games, the sudden deaths of a few important and less important characters are usually a surprise, including what Katniss did to save herself and Peeta. Although this book has no love story like the Hunger Games, it does involve strong family bonds. Even though Max and the rest of the flock is not blood related, they call themselves a big happy family. Maximum Ride is a lot less realistic than the Hunger games because of the super powers but it gives you a sense of the hidden things in this world. The School were all these horrible things were done, the actions were all done in secret and hidden in society. It makes us wonder if scientists in America do that or is there an Area 51, adding to the science fiction to it.

Friday, May 21, 2010

lit circle book 3 park 3

How come the Erasers hadnt found us yet? Sometimes they tracked us so easily, and other times, like now, we seemed to be truly hidden. Did i have a homing signal and in implanted chip or not? If i did , why werent the Erasers here by now? It was like they were just toying with us keeping us on our toys , like a game.. . .

Like a game . like a freaking game. (p350)

this quote explains the plot of the book because it tells how things go. At times they are ambushed by Erasers quickly and at times it takes forever. A lot earlier in the book, a woman that is a vet take a xray of Max and sees that there is a chip in Max's arm. This chip could be a tracking device from the School or just a normal one. is there a special time that this tracking deviced worked and didnt work? Life as a runaway can be quite dangerous when there is half human half wolves running after you .

Jeb, the former teacher of flock, formally told Max that she would save the world and he was sure of it. Could this voice possible be Jeb or something related to him? This voice also wants Max to save the world and dump her friends. It is also likely that it is Jeb because he somewhat treated the lives of the flock as an experiment or a game. He fed them and taught them how to live on their own, and then leaving them, seeing how they would do alone. When the group saw Jeb at the School again, everyone's face turned blank and couldnt believe that he was still alive. Distrust was just one of the elements that shown strongly

If the flock has been followed with a tracker, is it possible that the everyone has one too? If so, the book is quite pointless because there is a chance that they all be will be killed when their purpose is done. like "game", hopefully the group of part human part bird can control their lives and fly freely. Hawks from the mountain can protect them and they can always steal food from random people. To be free from the bad guys would be hard but it is relaxing.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Deuces is a card game that involves a set of cards that has 4 copies of a A-King. The main idea of the game is to get rid of all your card before your opponents do, with the 2 being the strongest. There is two main styles of this card game: Viet and Chinese. Around where i play most of the people prefer playing Viet style because it is easier. In viet you can use a straight that is as long as you want but it the minimum is 3 cards. You can beat or chop a deuce with a combo of either 4 of a kind or 3 consecutive pairs or more. The order of the suits are from weakest to strongest , spades , clover , diamond , heart, the rest of viet style is just like chinese style. The chinese style of this game is much simpler because it has more of a order and certain way of playing. The way how you play poker is the main idea of this style, including singles , double, triples , 5 card straights , flushes , full houses , royal flush , 4 of a kind with a single card. The suit order for chinese from weakest to strongest is diamond , clover, heart , spade.

I was first taught this game when i was a little kid and i still had a babysitter at terences house. We were extremely bored so he taught me a new game. We ended up only playing that day and during this distant disneyworld vacation that we went to together. Now, i can beat them easily because they dont play a lot.

Back in 8th grade, it was the end of the school year, in Mr.Moreno's core class there was a deuces tournament, just for fun. I decided hmmm i should play, maybe i can win something. Unfortunately the style that they were playing was viet, and i didnt know how to play viet back then. I guess i was stubborn and insisted on not learning it. Soon after that tournament, i learned how to play viet style just so that i will have more chances to play, being to play chinese and viet style. Being able to only play one style is looked down upon now .

On my last blog post i mentioned playing the asiannnnnnnn game of mahjong. When i do not have the opportunity to play that game simply because the guy with the tiles isnt here or something else, i try to play deuces. At times i can play deuces for hours and hours just like during the end of the school year. It can get boring in the end but every time there is a last minute intense duel, being the winner feels good.

There is a new hong kong card game that involves the jokers. I think it is a lot more complex than deuces because it involves combinations that is called airplanes , bombs and more. i must learn how to play this game or i will be bored because deuces is getting old ....

love quickwrite

1.what rules dictate the behavior of relationships.
The rules that i think dictates relationships are how each other is treated. If one side treats the other well and they get nothing in return, maybe even negative attitude, the one side will change their behavior. That one side will start not caring about the negative one because his efforts are at waste. Both sides should try to make each other happy. It is kinda like what confucious says, do what you want others to do to you . . .

2. what nice guys/ girls should / shouldnt do.
In my opinion, nice girls should not get mad at the guy every time they PMS. It is not our fault they have a monthly cycle. The guys should still be understanding during that time period and not do annoying things but too much of this torture will get tiring. A nice guy should treat the girl out to eat most of the time but not every time , he might get bankrupt. A nice girl would not hang up on the phone a hundred times and still expect the guy to keep calling. pinching , pulling hair , punching , scratching, and massive tickling like a tickle me elmo isnt very nice either. . .

3. I guess if these rules are broken, they should talk it out, and resolve the conflicts. Too much constant daily conflict means they should get some alone time for each other. or someone will get headshot. . . pew pew
layind dead on the ground hearbroken isnt fun , is it now?

the other questions.
i dont really think who asking who out matters but nowadays it is a bit more typical and normal if the guy asks the girl. only date one person. a couple should do activities that they both like, respecting that they two dont like all the same things. Each person should have their own hobbies to do in their time not together. if not they stuck by the hips . ahh thats scary . . . literally

Thursday, May 13, 2010

LIt circle book 3 part 2 . lol forgot to add title

He took a breath, looking deep into my eyes. I coldly shut down every good memory I had of him, every laugh we'd shared, every happy memory, every thought that he was like a dad to me.

"Max, that reason, that purpose is: you are supposed to save the world."
The moments leading up to this quote is when Max and her family was captured by the whitecoats. Gasman and Iggy reluctantly escaped before the Erasers were able to capture them two. Back in the school, Fang, Nudge, Angel, and Max were all terrified of what happened to them , back to the place where their lives were ruined. Jeb, the person who helped them escape, many years ago is actually alive and when Max sees him, she has a mental breakdown. She starts hating Jeb because he is know on their side and doesnt think of him as a fatherly figure anymore. Jeb asks Max to come out of her dog cage to tell her something. In a room that seems very ordinary and homelike, Jeb told her the words in the quote.

I do not understand how Max will save the world when she is trapped in the School in a dog cage. She cannot escape herself because the security is very high. Is she the chosen one like in some kung fu movie? This part of the quote somewhat foreshadows what happens in the next part of the book. It is very likely that she will escape ( alone or with her flock family members , i dont know) and tell the world about the horrible DNA gene mutations that the school has been doing.

Max must had felt a lot of hatred toward Jeb. Jeb taught the group how to survive , how to think of the bad people in whitecoats, but he is one now. I would think it was all it game to play with the group to see how they live in the wild. An experiment ~ what will happen to them now? Can Max really save the world even though she already needs to care for her family. Hopefully rescuing Angel will be a successful mission.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

MAH JONG . ching chang chong

A recent hobby or game that i am starting to get addicted to is mah-jong. It is a Chinese game which involves tiles on a table. In order to win, we must get a certain amount of 3 tile straights or 3 of the same tiles and you need a pair of dragon eyes to finish with 14 tiles. There is special ways to win like 13U , which involves north west south east, white dragon , red sword, green thingy, and 1,9 1,9 1,9 of each category plush one random tile. It is recommended to win either with all straights or all 3 of same tiles or all of one category or else it will be chicken win. Chicken win is basically the easiest way to win, and it is baddddd, in some places the people make you pay the other players for winning this way. there is also a taiwanese , korean, philipphino , japanese , and other variation ofthis game buttttt who cares. . .

When i was a little kid, i used to go my grandparents house on Ocean and Geneva near Daily City, to visit them every weekend. I ended up always bored because my parents played mahjong all day with them. Watching pbs was sometimes fun because mr.bean was on tv. Occasianally i watched my parents play and i got the main idea of the game.

Starting from about a month ago, the asian hang out place in park st., quicklys started having people playing mahjong there. I think it was a rainy friday where i didnt have tennis practice was the first time i went. I used to try to get my tiles all in one category but when they said we play chicken, i started playing chicken. The reason for this was because we were not playing for money.

At quicklys , you can meet very weird people. Last Sunday i was playing with Pat pat , annly and the fourth player kept rotating out. One guy needed help reading the tiles, so he remembered the number 6 = as a star and he remembered teh number 7= as a X. He was funny, he asked what a 8 bamboo was so he told him it was eight because he couldnt count. Since the eight bamboo is M shaped he said m for meanie. lol . During that day, there was these two people that notices that i kept winning with the dragon tiles, and it became a big deal. Winning with a dragon tile became an expectation. On last Saturday, there was a chinese guy called cheesy, we thought his name was gordon at first. He was quite crazy, annly and i thought he was high or drunk but he actually wasnt. And alex, the korean guy that was yelling pok gai and hak gui all the time. Oh wells i kinda learned that crazy can be good. When playing mahjong, it can be really relaxing, especially when we shuffle the 144 tiles. click clack click clack. Sitting there for 2 or 3 hours is actually fun because we want to win very badly sometimes.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Lit circle book 3 part ONE

Fortunately there is only about 5 weeks of school left, but that still leaves a month for doing work. The last book that my partners and i chose is Maximum Ride by James Patterson. It is an adventure book about these experiments that are 98% human and 2% bird. The 2% bird gives them wings, being able to fly, and raptor vision and each of them has their own abilities too. In the story so far, the six experiments are visited by erasers ( half human half wolves) that comes for a visit. In the attack, all six is severely hurt but one of the members of the family called Angel is captured. The family splits up with different plans, one trying to save and rescue Angel, the other to blow of nearby erasers.

These mutants are secretly hidden from society and this quote shows it well:
"Why dont we tell on them, then?" Nudge demanded. "We could to a TV station and tell everyone and say, Look, they grew wings on us and, we're just little kids,and-"
"Okay, that would fix them," Iggy interrupted. "But we'd end up in a zoo"

This was when Fang suggested that they tell society about the cruel and unjust things done upon them to turn them into mutants. If the people found out, a lot of people will feel sorry for them and how it is against the natural rights of humans. I am sure people will help fight against the School and bring it down. Unfortunately though, other people, maybe scientists, would say that wow theses species are so interesting, let me examine them. If the truth was leaked out, there is a pro and a con to this situation. Would they rather have freedom but have the chance of getting hunted down by the people in whitecoats from the School, or have justice served and be a special kind of people. There is always a chance that the people will respect their differences and still let the part bird humans live peacefully in the high mountains.

i think that letting society know about these experiments might be a good idea because Angel could be saved easier. But at the same time, they can kill Angel before the School gets searched. dun dun dun

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

yesterdays tennis adventures

Hm. i have nothing to write about so i will write about what i learned yesterday. I arrived at the tennis court after i took the bus home and biked to washington tennis court. I saw the regulars that go there nearly everyday, Ron and Erwin. Fortunately court 3 was open and we went there to practice. Erwin is wayy more experienced that me and ron so he was going to coach us for free. First we volleyed around and rallied a bit along the baseline, i was the one that usually hit the ball out.

The first thing that i learned that i was hitting the ball wrong, the position of the wrist. I was hitting it with my wrist and arm straight, but my wrist and arm should be at a 90 degree arc. This helps you become more consistent because when you hit the ball at a 90 degree arc, there is less chance that your racket will wobble out of it hard and firm. There is also a larger margin of error from your strike zone if you stroke the ball in this manner.

The second thing that i relearned was how to volley. I was never good at volley since the two years that i played. It was like footwork, they never listened to me when i wanted them to do a movement. I was instructed to tuck in my elbow and make the 90 degree arc with my wrist and arm again, and then punch! In my opinion, this form felt and bit rigid when i was trying to practice this volley. My wrist kept turning back straight and that annoyed me , not listening ...

The last thing that i was able to practice/ get advice on was the second serve. The idea of the second serve is to spin the ball in so that it gets in the diagonal service box. If the first serve, with speed and power, fails then you rely on your reliable second serve to spin. zzz. So second serve is a lot different than the first. You are supposed to stand parallel to the baseline, toss the ball so that it would land on your head, try to pronate and hit the ball at 6 - 12 oclock. haha , now to simplify these terms in more than one sentence. When you bend your knees, your non hitting arm is directly straight and telling you when to hit the ball. With the serving arm, you want to have your elbow pointing the sky for a full swing for full spin. One problem i had was that i hit the ball downward too much when i should had been adding spin. The result of hitting downward too much makes the ball land in the net. sooo when trying to spin the serve, just spin only ...

After practicing all these skills that i coached on, i went to hit with Ron. After this one attempt at a flat serve, my elbow suddenly hurt. i was scared of getting tennis elbow, so i left as soon as i could, after playing with Ron.