Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Deuces is a card game that involves a set of cards that has 4 copies of a A-King. The main idea of the game is to get rid of all your card before your opponents do, with the 2 being the strongest. There is two main styles of this card game: Viet and Chinese. Around where i play most of the people prefer playing Viet style because it is easier. In viet you can use a straight that is as long as you want but it the minimum is 3 cards. You can beat or chop a deuce with a combo of either 4 of a kind or 3 consecutive pairs or more. The order of the suits are from weakest to strongest , spades , clover , diamond , heart, the rest of viet style is just like chinese style. The chinese style of this game is much simpler because it has more of a order and certain way of playing. The way how you play poker is the main idea of this style, including singles , double, triples , 5 card straights , flushes , full houses , royal flush , 4 of a kind with a single card. The suit order for chinese from weakest to strongest is diamond , clover, heart , spade.

I was first taught this game when i was a little kid and i still had a babysitter at terences house. We were extremely bored so he taught me a new game. We ended up only playing that day and during this distant disneyworld vacation that we went to together. Now, i can beat them easily because they dont play a lot.

Back in 8th grade, it was the end of the school year, in Mr.Moreno's core class there was a deuces tournament, just for fun. I decided hmmm i should play, maybe i can win something. Unfortunately the style that they were playing was viet, and i didnt know how to play viet back then. I guess i was stubborn and insisted on not learning it. Soon after that tournament, i learned how to play viet style just so that i will have more chances to play, being to play chinese and viet style. Being able to only play one style is looked down upon now .

On my last blog post i mentioned playing the asiannnnnnnn game of mahjong. When i do not have the opportunity to play that game simply because the guy with the tiles isnt here or something else, i try to play deuces. At times i can play deuces for hours and hours just like during the end of the school year. It can get boring in the end but every time there is a last minute intense duel, being the winner feels good.

There is a new hong kong card game that involves the jokers. I think it is a lot more complex than deuces because it involves combinations that is called airplanes , bombs and more. i must learn how to play this game or i will be bored because deuces is getting old ....

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