Tuesday, May 18, 2010

love quickwrite

1.what rules dictate the behavior of relationships.
The rules that i think dictates relationships are how each other is treated. If one side treats the other well and they get nothing in return, maybe even negative attitude, the one side will change their behavior. That one side will start not caring about the negative one because his efforts are at waste. Both sides should try to make each other happy. It is kinda like what confucious says, do what you want others to do to you . . .

2. what nice guys/ girls should / shouldnt do.
In my opinion, nice girls should not get mad at the guy every time they PMS. It is not our fault they have a monthly cycle. The guys should still be understanding during that time period and not do annoying things but too much of this torture will get tiring. A nice guy should treat the girl out to eat most of the time but not every time , he might get bankrupt. A nice girl would not hang up on the phone a hundred times and still expect the guy to keep calling. pinching , pulling hair , punching , scratching, and massive tickling like a tickle me elmo isnt very nice either. . .

3. I guess if these rules are broken, they should talk it out, and resolve the conflicts. Too much constant daily conflict means they should get some alone time for each other. or someone will get headshot. . . pew pew
layind dead on the ground hearbroken isnt fun , is it now?

the other questions.
i dont really think who asking who out matters but nowadays it is a bit more typical and normal if the guy asks the girl. only date one person. a couple should do activities that they both like, respecting that they two dont like all the same things. Each person should have their own hobbies to do in their time not together. if not they stuck by the hips . ahh thats scary . . . literally

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