Friday, May 21, 2010

lit circle book 3 park 3

How come the Erasers hadnt found us yet? Sometimes they tracked us so easily, and other times, like now, we seemed to be truly hidden. Did i have a homing signal and in implanted chip or not? If i did , why werent the Erasers here by now? It was like they were just toying with us keeping us on our toys , like a game.. . .

Like a game . like a freaking game. (p350)

this quote explains the plot of the book because it tells how things go. At times they are ambushed by Erasers quickly and at times it takes forever. A lot earlier in the book, a woman that is a vet take a xray of Max and sees that there is a chip in Max's arm. This chip could be a tracking device from the School or just a normal one. is there a special time that this tracking deviced worked and didnt work? Life as a runaway can be quite dangerous when there is half human half wolves running after you .

Jeb, the former teacher of flock, formally told Max that she would save the world and he was sure of it. Could this voice possible be Jeb or something related to him? This voice also wants Max to save the world and dump her friends. It is also likely that it is Jeb because he somewhat treated the lives of the flock as an experiment or a game. He fed them and taught them how to live on their own, and then leaving them, seeing how they would do alone. When the group saw Jeb at the School again, everyone's face turned blank and couldnt believe that he was still alive. Distrust was just one of the elements that shown strongly

If the flock has been followed with a tracker, is it possible that the everyone has one too? If so, the book is quite pointless because there is a chance that they all be will be killed when their purpose is done. like "game", hopefully the group of part human part bird can control their lives and fly freely. Hawks from the mountain can protect them and they can always steal food from random people. To be free from the bad guys would be hard but it is relaxing.

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