Friday, May 7, 2010

Lit circle book 3 part ONE

Fortunately there is only about 5 weeks of school left, but that still leaves a month for doing work. The last book that my partners and i chose is Maximum Ride by James Patterson. It is an adventure book about these experiments that are 98% human and 2% bird. The 2% bird gives them wings, being able to fly, and raptor vision and each of them has their own abilities too. In the story so far, the six experiments are visited by erasers ( half human half wolves) that comes for a visit. In the attack, all six is severely hurt but one of the members of the family called Angel is captured. The family splits up with different plans, one trying to save and rescue Angel, the other to blow of nearby erasers.

These mutants are secretly hidden from society and this quote shows it well:
"Why dont we tell on them, then?" Nudge demanded. "We could to a TV station and tell everyone and say, Look, they grew wings on us and, we're just little kids,and-"
"Okay, that would fix them," Iggy interrupted. "But we'd end up in a zoo"

This was when Fang suggested that they tell society about the cruel and unjust things done upon them to turn them into mutants. If the people found out, a lot of people will feel sorry for them and how it is against the natural rights of humans. I am sure people will help fight against the School and bring it down. Unfortunately though, other people, maybe scientists, would say that wow theses species are so interesting, let me examine them. If the truth was leaked out, there is a pro and a con to this situation. Would they rather have freedom but have the chance of getting hunted down by the people in whitecoats from the School, or have justice served and be a special kind of people. There is always a chance that the people will respect their differences and still let the part bird humans live peacefully in the high mountains.

i think that letting society know about these experiments might be a good idea because Angel could be saved easier. But at the same time, they can kill Angel before the School gets searched. dun dun dun

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