Thursday, May 13, 2010

LIt circle book 3 part 2 . lol forgot to add title

He took a breath, looking deep into my eyes. I coldly shut down every good memory I had of him, every laugh we'd shared, every happy memory, every thought that he was like a dad to me.

"Max, that reason, that purpose is: you are supposed to save the world."
The moments leading up to this quote is when Max and her family was captured by the whitecoats. Gasman and Iggy reluctantly escaped before the Erasers were able to capture them two. Back in the school, Fang, Nudge, Angel, and Max were all terrified of what happened to them , back to the place where their lives were ruined. Jeb, the person who helped them escape, many years ago is actually alive and when Max sees him, she has a mental breakdown. She starts hating Jeb because he is know on their side and doesnt think of him as a fatherly figure anymore. Jeb asks Max to come out of her dog cage to tell her something. In a room that seems very ordinary and homelike, Jeb told her the words in the quote.

I do not understand how Max will save the world when she is trapped in the School in a dog cage. She cannot escape herself because the security is very high. Is she the chosen one like in some kung fu movie? This part of the quote somewhat foreshadows what happens in the next part of the book. It is very likely that she will escape ( alone or with her flock family members , i dont know) and tell the world about the horrible DNA gene mutations that the school has been doing.

Max must had felt a lot of hatred toward Jeb. Jeb taught the group how to survive , how to think of the bad people in whitecoats, but he is one now. I would think it was all it game to play with the group to see how they live in the wild. An experiment ~ what will happen to them now? Can Max really save the world even though she already needs to care for her family. Hopefully rescuing Angel will be a successful mission.

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