Saturday, September 10, 2011

[BC] The dreaded UC app

1) Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

I come from a small world yet I have very big challenges. People around me say that it is best that I try my best in everything I do, especially school. That can be hard sometimes especially when I have to care for myself and a brother. Having divorced parents in a Chinese family is a part of my life that will affect me forever. To this day, I am still not accustomed to constantly seeing new strangers visit my house. Although I have this unfortunate aspect of my life, I still found something to gain from it, independence. I learned that to be successful I cannot rely on people but I have to do things myself. Homework has never been something I can ask my mom for help on so I had to do it without help.

School is a place where I can escape home and be able to joke around with my friends. Here I do not have to act special in front of strangers because there is freedom of speech around with people I know. Our high school is quite competitive because it is the better of the two that are on my island of Alameda. I take this as a challenge because I would need to take AP and HP classes in order to stand out in our lively crowd of two thousand. AP Computer Science is a class that I am struggling with but I am using all of my abilities to become skilled at it.

My dad is a one of the most influential person to me although I do not get opportunity to see him everyday. He tells me that I need to focus on studies because in the long run it is the most important. He really regrets not going to a four year college. Since my father works at a car garage valet, he gets to help doctors park their expensive and fancy cars. That is the difference education can do, either you drive the car or you park the car. My father tells me that life is what you want to be, you need to work hard early in order to have a good future. These simple life lessons that he gives my brother and I on our ride to his house slowly ponder about what I want.

My family has shaped my dreams and aspirations because I do not wish to repeat the past in my future. I will not get divorced with my future spouse that I have children with due to the fact that I do not want to ruin sweet innocent lives. It is very important for a teenager who is growing up to have both their father and mother to support them in tough times. Being more educated is another very important dream that I would like to accomplish. Education does not only help with salary but it makes you a better person. More knowledge can make you seem like an intelligent person even if you are talking to a complete stranger. When I have children, I want to be able to help them out with homework even in high school.

Note: haha this draft isn’t very good. I should probably use bigger vocab and develop some of my ideas better.


  1. that's why it's a draft! keep reading it over and over and see what you can improve.

  2. Oh god, college apps.

    This is good! just to suggest something, though: you could try only writing about one thing; say, your dad, instead of your dad, and your whole family, and your school. That way the essay will seem more developed.

  3. I will probably try writing about dad
