Saturday, September 24, 2011

[Free] EatReal

haha, well you mightve been tricked by the title. I am not telling you to eat real food and not junk food but something else. i love junk food xD

To add some community service hours to my resume and to help out people, i decided to participate in the EatReal fest in Jack London. It is always likes these little activities that leads to fun memorable times. Today i woke up at 9 on a saturday morning, boy is that early. When i got to oakland i was pretty lost at where to go. Luckily there are other people on this planet, so i asked a randomly person who looked like staff for directions.

On the way there i saw two friends of mine, Richard and Alex. It turns out that they followed us to the place where Charlene and i volunteered and we collaborated on doing business. Our job at this event was to help sell these EatReal tshirts that had labels “ made it, eat it, grow it.” They were sold for a hefty 15 dollars and with tax it became 16.5 dollars. I bet i had to get change for a 20 dollar bill at least 100 times. At times not having 50 cents led to the customer profiting or the owner of the booth pocketing the change. This Nicole and her husband (the owners of this booth) were quite grateful for our work. I wonder what they will do with all that money.

Us four worked a greuling 7 hours with minimal break but it was a fun experience. In addition to having a nice time, the staff gave us a schwag bag with random coupons and miscellaneous things, drinks, and chipotle burritos. I guess this is one of example of good intention leads to good things.

1 comment:

  1. I made a response post :
