Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[CE] A decade after 9/11

This is my first Current Events post so my experience with this is none. I decided to write about this video about 9/11 because it is coming up soon. 9/11 is one of those events where people say you know where you were back then because it was so important like the assassination of JFK but unfortunately I do not know where I was. Here is the video:

This video says that although it has been an entire decade since this disastrous event, New Yorkers are still worried about another attack. This feeling can be easily related to especially because we are Californians. Although I was not alive during the 1906 or 1989 earthquakes, even minor earthquakes scare me.

Professor John Mueller states,

Americans only have a one in 80,000 chance of being killed in a 9/11-type attack in an 80 year period.”
This statistic is probably based on the amount of people killed during 9/11 and divided by the total population. I don’t really side with this professor because another 9/11 could be of equal or potentially deadlier damage. It all really depends on where the terrorists are aiming at. Also, if they use a nuclear weapon, thousands of people will not be immediately killed but they will have plenty of aftereffects.

It is said that 75 billion is used for airport security and is that all really needed? Some procedures at the airport make citizens feel uncomfortable, especially when there is full body touching. Maybe the countries of terrorists should pay some reparations for damages done. When we were little kids and we broke something at a store, didn’t our parents have to pay fines?

This 9/11 is in four days. We should be alert about our surroundings but being paranoid would not be good. Don't worry. . . USA is strong

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