Friday, October 21, 2011

[RE] Going for the look

This week, for our weekly response post, we were supposed to respond to a montly essay. I decided to talk about Katherine’s essay since it was one of the intros shown in class.

In the society we all live in today, where outside beauty is emphasized more than inner beauty, businesses have realized how to utilize that view to their own benefit

It is quite true that his is happening in our society in many ways. Outer beauty is something people pay good money for until they reach the perfect image they want. It will keep sucking more money to keep his outer image too. You never about commercials selling you inner beauty like the ability to donate or to recycle. It is because those stores do not earn enough to pay for commercials and it is not a priority in America.
Business thrive by showing you what these perfect images can look like with their clothes on at their stores. It is static to help them money and it works quite well. Mannequins and workers wear new hip clothes. Is this the business owners fault or the consumer’s fault that they make so much money? It could be part both both but mainly the culture of the United States.

The differences in the prices of the clothes sold in for example, Walmart, and those of Nordstrom or Neiman Marcus is due to image.

I kinda agree and kinda dont agree with this statement. Prices of products and/or clothes depend on the amount of demand and supply that object has. That amount is from the attractiveness of the object or the way it is presented. In the example of Walmart and Nordstorm, walmart has high supply and demand so things can be cheaper. There are less supply at Nordstorm but high demand so prices are high. For example, an cupcake can be awful on the inside but very cute outside, people will want to buy it. Everything depends on presentation nowadays. They can be presented through product or the price of the product. If something is really really cheap, it would make you want to buy it more.

haha sorry i feel very tired, ill do better next time.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[ce] inflation means free money for elderly

In this article, it is said that the 55 million social security beneficiaries will receive a 3.6% raise in benefits for 2012. In 2010 and 2011, there was no increase at all but in one year there is a 3.6% bump. The elderly need money to spend that is up to date with inflation but is that much of a bump necessary? If each recipient got average 1000 dollars a month, then an increase would be 36 dollars. For 55 million dollars that would be nearly 2 billion dollar increase dent in government spending per month.

The government currently has around 14.3 trillion dollars of debt and they are increasing benefits. They should be thinking of social security reforms that could be used to change the program. That extra 2 billion will not be magically printed out; the workers will have to pay for it through taxes. Since the government is paying out more money than it is taking in, the problem of debt is getting worse every day. From the research I was finding for my mock congress note cards, I learned that the government wrote IOUs in the trust fund. Social Security had $ 2.6 trillion surplus money in previous years of extra tax money but that money does not actually exist anymore. The other parts of government just borrowed that money and used it all already.

The current beneficiaries need to save money and worry about the years ahead. Millions of baby boomers will retire soon meaning benefits will only go down. Future generations, lets prepare ourselves for high taxes with low return rates.

[Free] the art of strings

not my machine , this one is ~$3500

Last summer I started learning the art of tennis stringing. I bought a Eagnas crank machine from my tennis buddy Ron for $90 which has become part of my room. For a beginner, the process of giving life to a racket can be quite annoying, frustrating, time consuming yet awarding at the same time. Patience is a something important that you need to have in order to accomplish this task.

There are two main types of stringing a two piece and a one piece. The three piece is for those professional hobby stringers. I was taught the two piece by my friend Terrence. A two piece means that you use two different strings for that mains and crosses. While the one piece uses the same string for the mains and crosses, you loop around after you finish the mains. I learned that rackets with 16x19 string patterns are good for hybrid while rackets with 16x18 is not good for hybrids.

Unfortunately I messed up stringing at least 10 times already. A few times I didnt flare a hole on a new racket, leading me to waste a set of strings. Sometimes i chose the wrong hole or forgot to skip after the 6th and 7th main. And another time i didnt know that some specific string patterns need one piece jobs. . . . Mains usually are less strings than crosses because there are more crosses. Through constant practice, I learned what not to do during stringing a racket and what to do. Without rackets to practice on, I would not be able to string a racket in around 40 minutes, it used to take me 2 hours. O.o

Friday, October 14, 2011

[monthly] Going for the looks, man.

Imagine a store full of people without pimples or imperfections of the face and everyone had perfect bodies as workers. It is hard to tell apart one person from another because they are the same age, race, and size. Marshal Cohen argues that hiring for looks helps represent and make that particular brand look good. He is also implying that good looking workers mean better profits. Cohen is only targeting the “younger, fashionable market” while it is not true that the older generations do not buy clothes. It is important for retailers to keep in mind all age groups or groups of people. I do not agree with Cohen’s argument from the beginning of this quote until the end of it. I will try to use some of my ideas to make Cohen’s seem a bit narrowminded, although what he says are just his opinions.

These walking “billboards” become an image that the company wants and not necessary a good image. For the people who aren’t hired, they think that if they were to be hired, they would make the brand look bad. Those that are rejected will have their self-esteem hurt slowly. Through constant rejection due to looks, the paradigm of that person will change. Cohen says” it’s really important to create an environment to the community”, but an environment where customer can feel lesser than someone is not very welcoming. A good environment should be making the customer want to be there. From my experience, Abercrombie & Fitch is not a very welcoming place. The moment I enter the store, I inhale the stench of their overly strong perfume that makes my head dizzy. This aspect of the store is not very welcoming like the aspect that the employees feel better than you.

Another point is that are “walking billboards” that important or that beneficent? Although Cohen is talking about retailer brands, let’s imagine real human walking billboards. Think back to when you see the people dressed in Subway’s sandwiches or another food company’s hotdog. These real humans that are representing their company do not make me want to buy their products but to laugh at the creator. We sympathize with these workers that have to project an image for a living. The person in the suit or in our example the models do not feel very comfortable because their job is from their looks. Going for the looks can make these young people feel insecure due to the fact that one day they will lose their looks and therefore lose their jobs.

When Cohen says that a guy, (a guy that goes shopping by himself for clothes) goes to a store, he wants to see pretty girls. There are few things wrong with this statement. Cohen said that guy is “to hang out” and doesn’t involve the act of purchasing merchandise. Hanging out at a particular place could lead to loitering of a group of people and that results in less room for other customers. It is possible that he is too occupied with checking out the employees or other girls that he doesn’t even buy things. It is also possible that he purchases something to show off his wealth at this expensive Abercrombie & Fitch store to impress gals. In the first case, the girl become a distraction and is not actually a profit attraction. In the second case, the guy is buying for the sake of the girl and not the trendiness or quality of the product. Having attractive workers in your store does not always have a positive effect.

I got the idea of targeting the general people from the occupy Oakland. Since Cohen is talking about like a lower percentage of the population, it could be like the 5%. The adults and seniors are the 95%. If companies truly want to profit, they should aim at targeting the elderly, mainly the baby boomers, or the people who actually earn money. There will be millions and millions more people retiring now and they will get Social Security. Companies should make a high quality clothe or electronic which will tempt the senior citizen to use their money for that product. Even if the corporate bosses aim at the youngsters, the clothes should be something the parents would agree to. Since it the parents that pay for the clothes and not that children who pays, they must aim toward the parents. The fashionable child could be attracted to a store for the employees’ looks but if the clothes are low quality, the parent would make them return it.

A company that currently does not need brand enhancer based on looks is Apple. Their product itself is what gets the profit that goes in the billions area. They hire intelligent workers who are familiar with the product, so in this case, brains can be the attractive thing. Advertisements are not even shown quite often for this company because they do not need that extra publicity. Since some guys are interested in computers and gaming, a computer or itouch can possibly sell better than a shirt. Having a representative who “captures the awareness of your brand” could help business but not always in the long run.

Cohen should have thought about his words before he uttered them for this article. To have a real successful company, it should target every single age group. You must make them believe that this object they are selling is something they need even though they didn’t know they needed it before. In the case of clothing company, then one product should be able to adapt to all possible weather. A company should not hire by looks because by doing so, you lose possible terrific potential workers. Gals at a store do not attract customers but only distracts them. Walking billboards advertise the company but at the stake of the worker. I kind of went off topic with this essay but I just went with some different ideas and angles for this problem that I thought of.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

[RE] freedom to fly

I agree with Ming about the magically transformed world that there is after the sun goes to sleep. I love it when I have the opportunity to bike home from tennis at 9 pm sometimes. Traffic disappears as everyone is home eating dinner or socializing on the computer. Due to less traffic, there is less noise outside. Since I have an itouch, I do need earphones to ring in my ears. I allow my itouch to roar throughout the empty street of otis. You get the freedom of speed from the newly paved pavement.

Some people are scared of the darkness but I am not. I am not scared that people will rob me because I have tennis rackets to protect me. The darkness actually feels safe for me because when I get to experience darkness, I get freedom from stress.

My mom is also like like Ming’s mom because she restricts my freedom through horrible curfews. Although I am near the age of 18, I am not given more freedom but actually less freedom. During winter, I required to come home around 6 because of the supposed danger of darkness. But I do not fear it, too bad the dictator does not understand that. Well this want for more freedom could be related to the concept of wanting to feel older when you are young and wanting to feel younger when I am older. Does this mean that I will regret wanting higher curfew later? I don’t think so because I would not have been a tennis deprived child. =/

Friday, October 7, 2011

[CE] keep on swimming, keep on swimming. shark fin!

My current event this week will be about a bill that Governor Brown signed. He recently made a law that banned the possession, sale, and distribution of shark fin into California. I think the people who were pro-ban of shark fin were too poor to buy or they were american born chinese that betrayed the chinese. The amount of sharks killed near California cannot be as much as the amount killed in Asia. Shark fins are used by the Chinese culture to make an expensive yet tasty soup that is full of texture. Even if the nutritionists say there is a lot of mercury in this soup, we as Chinese do not drink it everyday. It is only consumed maybe once in 5 years depending on your wealth.

The first thing i could relate this law with was the 18th Amendment to prohibit the sale, consumption, transportation of alcohol. The phrase "If we don't learn the mistakes of history, we are doomed to repeat them." could really work in this situation. It is quite possible that Chinese people will illegal smuggle shark fins and consume more than ever before. Humans are like teenagers, the more you tell them not to do something, the more they do it.

I do not understand this law. I know that it is the save sharks from dying and polluting the ocean but at the cost of Chinese tradition? I agree with our senator Leland Yee that it is racist to only ban the fin and now the whole shark. Leonardo DiCaprio’s opinion should not matter because he is Caucasian and shark fin soup is not part of his culture. This bill is clearly racist because what would Americans say if the government banned hamburgers. If one day cows started dying because of hamburgers, America and McDonalds wouldnt give a cow crap. They would just keep eating it . . .

[Free] TiMe

In physics, time is defined as the fourth dimension but we as humans cannot really understand it. To understand time would be like a drawing or something 2D trying to comprehend what is 3D. Then why do we try to understand something that is nearly impossible for us to understand. There are technological advances with the goal of time travel. Going to the past or future, what will that do to the space time continuum?

One thing is learned about time is that it is not constant. This might not be true in a physics point of view but for our way of time, it does change. In your childhood, time seems to go by slowly. As children, we would ask for example: Are we there yet?, Why are you on the phone so long daddy/mommy, or Why is dinner taking so long to make. But as we age, this resource called time seems to speed up. Years spent in high school seems like a blink of an eye. It might be because we are much more occupied.

So if I were able to live in the 4th dimension, I would try to buy some time, like how we buy 3D things. I am not sure how this would work because we would be time itself. It would be pretty funny though, it would be like buying 1 hr extra to do something for $100. When I forgot to do my homework, i would open this bag of time and then that 1 hr everything else freezes. If only we could do that ….
haha i start talking about random stuff when i am tired.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

[BC] Be a man, do the right thing.

lol the title is not related to the post
Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

In the few yet enduring years that I have played tennis, I have learned that tennis can change a person. It helped me build character as simple as hitting a green ball with a metal racket. I learned that as long as we have a goal that is somewhat realistic, we try our best to accomplish it. We do not stay ignorant but we improve as long as we want to. My ambitious goal was to win in a match against the very person that passed down his skills to me, Wu. This was not an easy task because he started a year before me. I had to defeat time itself. Due to my want to defeat him, I became stronger, faster, and taller than ever before.

As a beginner, I struggled to make contact with the ball. By looking at the ball and advancing my hand-eye coordination, hitting the ball did not seem that hard. Strokes such as the backhand and the serve seemed quite unnatural to me at first but through practice it wasn’t that bad. Soon, I learned how to stroke the ball without much effort. As I play more and more, I become more familiar with this game. Footwork seemed like a foreign language to me. The idea of running with small steps and not large leaps frustrated me. The problems that I encounter are different each time but I tend to always overcome them.

One day the previous summer, I finally beat Terrence 7-5 in a practice match that we had. I began with winning my service game, and then he kept his service game. This lasted for five consecutive times until the score was 5-5. At times, rallies lasted 10 or more strokes in this game where the momentum seemed to go from side to side. I held my serve with an epic 9 point deuce. After my hold, surprisingly Wu was down 30-40, this was the perfect opportunity for me. I ripped a massive forehand against his slow yet safe spinny kick serve. Game, set, and match. This experience was like finishing first in an Olympic race. After finally winning, my sights have changed to another more skilled player. I will have to constantly work hard until I reach that goal.

From these struggles that I have had in the game of tennis, I have changed to a different person. If you want to master something, then you have to practice, practice, and practice. Just doing nothing about something you want will lead to no change. It is important that you yourself work toward your particular goal. It might have not been the win that has made me so proud but the experience toward the win. This journey was something that was physical and yet mainly mental. I had to keep telling myself to believe that i can do it. Even if i acquired losses in the journey, i was able to reflect what i did wrong and improve myself from that. Tennis is a sport that i am proud about because i can see my accomplishments.

any suggestions so i can make it better
i feel like i am talking about the same thing over and over again ….

Saturday, September 24, 2011

[CE] A picture is worth 500billion words

I learned about this new interesting tool from the following video:

We can access this tool here.

So this TED video explains to us this new google application that allows you to search up a word. This isn’t just any normal search though, it searches through 5 million of the booked that google has scanned and analyzed. Google has scanned a total of 15 million books, woah maybe I can be a professional book scanner for my career. Google sure is helping the world and it's history become more modernized. By searching this word it will tell you how often it is seen in a particular time period and how popular it is or was. Unfortunately, I searched my name and I'm not very known.

The two demonstrators poke fun of this device by saying people didn’t start talking about a particular year until it was the year. They said that people didn’t know that would actually come. I think these people are very using weird examples. I don’t know what this device would be used for except for the curiosity of a bored factual person. It would be interesting when certain trends were started but they have no actual use to my life currently.

When I looked up tennis, I saw a peak in the year 1940. Then I thought to myself, is this actually really accurate to measure trends. If tennis is 1% of the words in 1940 and tennis becomes 1% in 2020, then it is not the same. The population of the world has increased maybe by double. So the times this word was used would be a lot more in 2020 than 1940. Maybe I am wrong about something but that is my thought about this tool.

[Free] EatReal

haha, well you mightve been tricked by the title. I am not telling you to eat real food and not junk food but something else. i love junk food xD

To add some community service hours to my resume and to help out people, i decided to participate in the EatReal fest in Jack London. It is always likes these little activities that leads to fun memorable times. Today i woke up at 9 on a saturday morning, boy is that early. When i got to oakland i was pretty lost at where to go. Luckily there are other people on this planet, so i asked a randomly person who looked like staff for directions.

On the way there i saw two friends of mine, Richard and Alex. It turns out that they followed us to the place where Charlene and i volunteered and we collaborated on doing business. Our job at this event was to help sell these EatReal tshirts that had labels “ made it, eat it, grow it.” They were sold for a hefty 15 dollars and with tax it became 16.5 dollars. I bet i had to get change for a 20 dollar bill at least 100 times. At times not having 50 cents led to the customer profiting or the owner of the booth pocketing the change. This Nicole and her husband (the owners of this booth) were quite grateful for our work. I wonder what they will do with all that money.

Us four worked a greuling 7 hours with minimal break but it was a fun experience. In addition to having a nice time, the staff gave us a schwag bag with random coupons and miscellaneous things, drinks, and chipotle burritos. I guess this is one of example of good intention leads to good things.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[CE]Obama proposes $1.5tn tax hike to cut deficit

This week for my ce post, I decided to write a few of my thoughts about our debt crisis from this article.

Barack Obama, the US president, has proposed $1.5 trillion in new tax revenue as part of his long-term deficit- reduction plan.

"Middle class families should not have to pay higher taxes than millionaires and billionaires," he said.

Yes, it is right to tax the rich proportionally as the middle or lower classes but will that really help the problem? In America, people spend money they don’t have, or won’t ever have. For example, the debt is 14.3 x 000,000,000,000; it must take forever for us to make that much debt. A problem the government has is the way they spend money. This 1.5 trillion that Obama wants to get from taxes could have been prevented easily. The stimulus plans a few years back were around this number. So it is simple math if you think about it, don’t spend 1.5 so you don’t have to save 1.5trillion from elsewhere. This stimulus plan didn’t actually help the economy because not everyone reused the money given and they might had saved it. I remember reading somewhere as a comment on yahoo about the government’s debt crisis, “If the government doesn’t have to pay their taxes, why should we?” Currently the government is providing a very bad example to us citizens.

House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner rejected President Obama's $3 trillion plan to cut the deficits, saying it would fail to tackle long-term problems and would raise taxes.

Raising taxes in an economic depression or at any time period is not exactly a good thing. People will decide to spend less money on consumer goods if they are taxed more on income or housing. Businesses and retailer stores will be affected by this and they will lose business, workers will lose jobs. Although Boehner might be helping the long run, he isn’t exactly compromising. He just rejected the bill and that did not leave any room for Obama and him to find the best solution.

With more proposed taxes means a bigger burden for the next generation. College prices will rise, with fewer grants. i hope social security will still be here to help us when we are 67, but that will be in 2061. sighh. . . there goes Obama again, talk talk talk . Good luck to us, who will remain poor forever!

[RE]System.out.println("Angela's Wrong Decision");

LinkI am currently in the class AP Comp Science, too, and I might’ve made a wrong decision, also. This class is quite hard because Computer Science does not come naturally to me. On my first test in this class I already got a depressing B-. Joo told us that this test would be the easiest of the year and it will progressively get harder and harder. A sentiment that I immediately get is fear. I am scared that my grade will only get lower and lower.

so here is angela's blog

Although this class is extremely difficult, it is interesting. We learned how to loop programs, destroy C-drives, print lines and do math using programming. The title of this blog already proves that i learned some stuff. System.out.println(" ") basically prints whatever is inside the parenthesis. The more we learn, the more we have to memorize in our little computer brains. That means that the longer we are in the course, the longer i will struggle. I will try to battle this monster and master the ways of defeating it.

One day, one of my friends had trouble on the project. I am pretty sure that she did not understand what the project wanted her to show.

Mr.Joo warned us about cheating in the beginning of the year and that made me weary. Would i be considered cheating if i have the same work as someone else but we didnt work together? That would be quite an unfortunate coincidence. Hopefully that doesnt happen to me in the foreseeable future. I guess thats one of the things about tutoring or helping a friend on homework, its hard to do. If someone asks me to help them on math, i tend to just give them the answer or tell them how to do it and why it is like that. I should ask them questions so they can sorta figure it out themselves. Only experience will help you with helping other people.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

[free] The plague of school . dun dun dun.

I actually thought about this disease when school started but I did not have time to write about it. School has many affects on you mentally and physically except for those that make you a less ignorant person. First I will talk about the physical illnesses that we as students acquire. After 3 days of school, i realized that my weight started decreasing at a unexpected rate. This can be because of the lack of food or lack of sleep. We no longer have the freedom to eat whenever we want in any class, we might not even have time to eat breakfast. Lack of sleep ends up giving us panda eyes, which makes us look like sleep walking zombies.

The mental illnesses are not ones that are like ADD or OCD but something else, something that could be worse in my opinion. Our ability of pursuit of happiness is somewhat taken away because of homework. We no longer have the time to do stuff we enjoyed during the summer. Since the summer gave us a surge of happiness and now we have very little happiness, this is a fast transition. I believe that the first week of school should start on a Wednesday or something so we can get used to school life. Well, we should try to slowly change the way we view of homework and one day math homework will be a source of happiness. haha just kidding

I made this post for fun and it is also expressing how much I miss the summer of 2011. Time sure flies.

Friday, September 16, 2011

[RE] nancy's draft of horror

On this post I won’t really be talking about Nancy’s draft of her college application but something from it. Here I stole the following quote

Throughout my childhood, I constantly earned praises from my mother for every little accomplishment, from reading a difficult chapter book to award certificates from good behavior in school. Her warm smile and joyful eyes were always worthwhile whenever I worked hard on accomplishing my goal.

This few lines makes it seem like her life was so great with someone to support her, and that’s good, but I had the opposite of that. Grades in a true Chinese family are expected of you because that is why they came to America for. There is no point of praising you because that’s the way they think. If you show them straight As, they will even ask you where is the 4.8, 5.0 or A plus. In the event that a B finds its way to your report card, you better buy some earplugs. You will never hear the end of this small indent in your transcript. Soon, your whole family and your families’ friends will know about this B or B+. One thing curious about an Asian family is that they talk about the mistake you have and not the achievements that you acquire. That is a one very sad thing that will probably mentally destroy some people, but oh wells, I’m used to it. .. . . . oh yeah this parent I’m talking about is not my dad because I do not live with him.. .

I sometimes feel that I could’ve done a lot more important things and had more skills if my parents hadn’t divorced and if I had gone to Chinese school. If there wasn’t such divorce, it is possible that I would have this warm smile that Nancy talks about. My mum was too busy worrying about herself and post-divorce craziness to worry about my brother and I. If I had gone to Chinese school, I would’ve been done by the time I was in 6th grade. The ability to speak, write, and read Cantonese would be a great asset to my language skills but that didn’t happen. IF . . . if only is all we can think about. Well my childhood passed with a lot of time wasted, that’s just very unfortunate for me. One day I will find someone who can give me constant warmth to my life.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

[BC] The dreaded UC app

1) Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

I come from a small world yet I have very big challenges. People around me say that it is best that I try my best in everything I do, especially school. That can be hard sometimes especially when I have to care for myself and a brother. Having divorced parents in a Chinese family is a part of my life that will affect me forever. To this day, I am still not accustomed to constantly seeing new strangers visit my house. Although I have this unfortunate aspect of my life, I still found something to gain from it, independence. I learned that to be successful I cannot rely on people but I have to do things myself. Homework has never been something I can ask my mom for help on so I had to do it without help.

School is a place where I can escape home and be able to joke around with my friends. Here I do not have to act special in front of strangers because there is freedom of speech around with people I know. Our high school is quite competitive because it is the better of the two that are on my island of Alameda. I take this as a challenge because I would need to take AP and HP classes in order to stand out in our lively crowd of two thousand. AP Computer Science is a class that I am struggling with but I am using all of my abilities to become skilled at it.

My dad is a one of the most influential person to me although I do not get opportunity to see him everyday. He tells me that I need to focus on studies because in the long run it is the most important. He really regrets not going to a four year college. Since my father works at a car garage valet, he gets to help doctors park their expensive and fancy cars. That is the difference education can do, either you drive the car or you park the car. My father tells me that life is what you want to be, you need to work hard early in order to have a good future. These simple life lessons that he gives my brother and I on our ride to his house slowly ponder about what I want.

My family has shaped my dreams and aspirations because I do not wish to repeat the past in my future. I will not get divorced with my future spouse that I have children with due to the fact that I do not want to ruin sweet innocent lives. It is very important for a teenager who is growing up to have both their father and mother to support them in tough times. Being more educated is another very important dream that I would like to accomplish. Education does not only help with salary but it makes you a better person. More knowledge can make you seem like an intelligent person even if you are talking to a complete stranger. When I have children, I want to be able to help them out with homework even in high school.

Note: haha this draft isn’t very good. I should probably use bigger vocab and develop some of my ideas better.

[CE] Djokovic beats Nadal to win US Open

I was looking at the Al Jazeera news feed and I found about my obsession , tennis. This article talks about the 4 set matchs between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic in the US Open final. I remember watching this match on Monday right after school. Fortunately I have a 0-4 schedule so I was able to watch the entire 4 hours and 9 minutes. I wanted Nadal to crush Novak so there would be more reality in the tennis world. Novak has an amazing streak of 64-2 but it might only be a one season thing.

After the first set, I felt worrisome for Nadal, he was up 2-0 but he got reverse bageled. (In tennis, to bagel is to win 6-0.) One problem that Nadal had was that he was not aggressive enough at the baseline. It seemed that Nadal hit balls back over but there was a gravitational pull on the ball toward Novak. At least on the longer rallies Nadal was able to win most of them. Nadal’s serve was not quite aggressive enough also, but he blames he wind for that. Everyone has their special someone that they have weaknesses against, I guess it is Novak for Nadal and Nadal for Federer.

One reason why I didn’t want Novak to win was probably because he defeated Federer in the semifinals. The constant loss that Federer gets nowadays could mean a new era with Nadal and Djokovic. But since Nadal lost the last 6 matches with Novak, maybe it could be the era of Djokovic-Djokovic-Djokovic. If that happens, then tennis won’t be the same. Federer was able to do moves that are near impossible and make it look simple and clean, like the tweener. Age is a factor that is affecting him unfortunately

Well congrats to Novak anyways. I liked him more when he did those impersonations of Roddick, Sharapova, Federer, and Nadal.